I was so excited sharing that last video about tubes that I - TopicsExpress


I was so excited sharing that last video about tubes that I thought I should share some more tube related information! So here we go. Your body is a system of tubes. Physically, you are nothing more and nothing less than tubes. All 76 trillion cells are tubes. They are spherical unless pressed together, but they are tubes. They let things in, they let things out; groceries in, garbage out. Cells are filled with tubes. For example, organelles are tubes and so is DNA. When these cellular tubes gather together they make larger and longer tubes. The largest tube is the alimentary tubes starting at the mouth and running through the body to the back door. Organs, like muscles and bones, are just a gathering of tubes. Bones are hollow tubes within tubes creating hardened matrices of tubes, while the heart is a mass of tubes that connect over 250,000 miles of circulatory tubes. These, along with the liver, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, nerves and brain, all are tubes! You are a totally tubular being. Therefore, disease can be nothing more than something gone wrong with tubes. Latin is used to describe these tubes and what goes wrong within them. Ultimately, though, there are only so many things that can go wrong within them such as being cut, smashed, irritated or inflamed and becoming weak and ballooned. When they become blocked or clogged, we call this an aneurysm. What if 95 percent of all disease mysteries, close to 10,000 of them, are really just blocked-clogged tubes? Congestive (clogged) heart failure is clogged heart tubes. Yes or no? YES! Asthma! Blocked lung tubes! Alzheimer’s! Blocked brain tubes! You might do well to ask, if you don’t already know, what’s blocking the tubes? T–O=V Tubes – Obstruction = Vitality So then what is the answer? The answer is plaque. Plaque is a substance that can coat the teeth; gather and clog the arteries, cover the brain and fill the lungs along with other destructiveness. The name of plaque is determined by the composition and location like amyloid, arterial, dental, bronchial and catarrhal. Then the question would arise as to how plaque enters the body. Well, normal cellular activities create waste products that are meant to be carried out of the body through the channels, or tubes of elimination. These tubes include the urinary tract (tubes), the digestive tract (tubes), the hair (tubes for spent gases), the lungs, the skin and so on. The largest cause of heavy toxic plaque within the body is a poor diet.. Surprise surprise! A poor diet consists of food-less foods and lifeless drinks, pills and capsules. Diseases including cancer, heart disease, arthritis and type II diabetes are caused by the person; they didn’t catch it! In other words, people, over time and distance, caused it themselves. However, the good news is that if you caused it, you can “un-cause” it. Disease would not exist if we ate whole-foods and really self-cared. > Smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer or lung plaque. The only self-help that exists for this is to quit smoking. Duh. I know, I know, easy for me to say because I never smoked. If you would like to find out more make sure you grab yourself a complimentary ticket to my upcoming Australian events hosted by Fortune Events. Tickets are available through fortuneevents/wthl I hope to see you there! Cowboy Don :-)
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 09:25:00 +0000

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