I was so thrilled to have a genuine superhero with us today, Lucas - TopicsExpress


I was so thrilled to have a genuine superhero with us today, Lucas Aguilar, who hails from my hometown of Orem. Lucas spent the morning at Hogle Zoo, where he put down an uprising by some bad guys, rescued Iron Man and restored order. That act alone qualifies you to be a hero for a day. But the superhuman heroism he shows every day as he fights cancer and braves pain has inspired and will continue to inspire all of us for a very long time. I also commend the Make-A-Wish Foundation for helping make this special day possible. As governor, I have but one superpower and that is to make official declarations, which I was proud to do today. Declaration Whereas, Lucas Aguilar has proven he is a real life superhero by showing extraordinary bravery, fortitude, and optimism in fighting cancer and undergoing chemotherapy during the past year; Whereas, his heroic example is a source of inspiration and courage to his parents, siblings, extended family, friends, neighbors, and the community at large; Whereas, Lucas is a hero in our community, serving as a police officer for a day, and we commend his willingness to fight the bad guys and keep all people safe, including Iron Man whom he courageously rescued today with the help of his fellow police officers from the Salt Lake City Police Department, the SWAT team, and the K-9 Unit; Whereas, we particularly applaud Lucas for loving and helping people and making all around him feel uplifted and happy with his charisma, love of life, and sense of humor; and Whereas, not only on this special day but each and every day of his life, Lucas shows us all what it means to be a real life superhero; Now, therefore, I, Gary R. Herbert, Governor of the State of Utah, do hereby declare October 11, 2014, as Lucas Aguilar, Superhero, Day
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 22:38:38 +0000

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