I was speaking to a dear friend of mine today, about the JEALOUSY - TopicsExpress


I was speaking to a dear friend of mine today, about the JEALOUSY , DIVISION AND STRIFE OPERATING IN THE BOC. Its really sad and disturbing to me how saints allow satan to bring DIVISION and STRIFE IN THE BODY, DUE TO the spirit of JEALOUSY AND INTIMIDATION. I know that THIS RE POST MAY BE CONFRONTATIONAL TO THOSE WHOM WALK IN THIS SPIRIT. But I COME TO ENCOURAGE THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN VICTIMIZED BY THIS SPIRIT.......THE SPIRIT OF SAUL Have you been a victim of the Saul spirit? THE SAUL SPIRIT OPERATES FLUENTLY IN LEADERSHIP AMONGST THE BODY OF CHRIST. However, the spirit of Saul can even operate on your job, family , circle of friendship etc.The SAUL SPIRIT IS A SPIRIT OF JEALOUSY AND INTIMIDATION, that TRIES TO DISCOURAGE, ATTACK, AND HINDER, WITH THE PURPOSE TO KILL YOUR DESTINY. When God appointed Samuel to anoint Saul as king, it wasnt because of anything that Saul did to earn his position. It wasnt because Saul had any special gifts or talents it was just the pure favor of God, that gave Saul the position that he was given. Saul himself, even FELT INADEQUATE to stand before, and rule the people of Israel. However on the other hand, Saul did have some confidence. For one thing, he was taller then anyone from the land of Benjamin, extremely handsome and came from a very wealthy, influential family. So surely he was use to getting alot attention. When Saul met David, he admired how David was musically inclined to play the harp. Saul was even amazed by Davids boldness, his ability to stragetized and the way he beat down the Philistines.However unfortunately , THAT SAME ADMIRATION that Saul once had for David, TURNED TO INTIMIDATION AND JEALOUSY. SAUL SAW GREATNESS IN DAVID, and BECAUSE OF HIS OWN INSECURITIES , HE BECAME JEALOUS and WANTED TO DESTROY DAVID, BECAUSE OF HIS GREATNESS. In todays church, the Saul spirit mostly operates in leadership.The SAUL SPIRIT IS VERY TERRITORIAL AND WANTS TO BE KNOWN AS The one.. Alot of times , the Saul spirit SITS CLOSELY, UNDER THE PASTOR, AND IS THREATENED BY ANYONE THAT GETS TOO CLOSE TO THE PASTOR . THE SAUL SPIRIT DOES ALOT OF GOOD WORKS TO BE OPENLY RECOGNIZED, AND EARN BROWNIE POINTS. The Saul spirit is not always easy to recognize, unless you were a victim of this spirit. This spirit is VERY PERSUASIVE and MUST BE SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED. Its mission is to DISCOURAGE and ABORT THE MINISTRY OF THOSE THAT GOD HAS ANOINTED WITH GREATNESS. SOME PASTORS HAVE BEEN PRAYING FOR GOD TO SEND THOSE WITH A SINCERE HEART , THAT ARE ANOINTED TO HELP LABOR IN THE MINISTRY and GOD HONORED THEIR REQUEST. However unfortunately, alot of times THE ONES THAT GOD SENT TO HELP EDIFY THE MINISTRY, WERE DRIVEN OUT BY THE SAUL SPIRIT. There are EVEN some PASTORS THAT OPERATE IN the THE SAUL SPIRIT . Thats why WE HAVE TO PUT OUR TRUST IN GOD, because man can raise you up , and cut you down in the same sentence, prophesy life, and then try to spiritually kill you, because of their own feelings of insecurities. BELOVED PROMOTION COMES FROM GOD, NOT MAN. THEREFORE, NEVER FEEL THAT YOU HAVE TO VALIDATE YOURSELF TO ACCOMODATE MANS APPROVAL OF WHAT GOD HAS ANOINTED AND DESTINED FOR YOUR LIFE . For GOD HAS ALREADY LAID OUT YOUR FOUNDATION. So NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO HINDER OR KILL THE VISION THAT GOD HAS GIVEN YOU. As long as you LIVE A LIFE OF HOLLINESS, LOVE, FORGIVENESS, AND OBEDIENCE, GOD HAS ALREADY GIVEN YOU THE KEYS TO WALK IN YOUR DESTINY. Remember, the only one that can stop you , is YOU NOT SAUL.... So Stay Focused Inspired by the Holy Spirit, written by Mar KenPope
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 23:01:18 +0000

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