I was supposed to be writing what I am thankful for every day. - TopicsExpress


I was supposed to be writing what I am thankful for every day. However, things happened, and that got away from me. Now, I am going to write this big giant list of twenty-five things I am thankful for to make up for what I had not done. I am thankful for Edgar. It is because of him I have been able to get through some of the most difficult times in my life. He has helped me to heal. I am thankful for my family. They have always supported me, even through some of the darkest periods of my life. I love them so much. I am thankful I know Jehovah God. I could not imagine my life without him in it. I am thankful I have Bible knowledge. I have so much more peace because I know what Gods promises are and what the Bible says will happen in the future. I am thankful for my brain. Without it, I would have not gotten where I am now. I am thankful for my friends. They make a difference in my life. I am thankful for Gods mercy. I do not know where Id be without it. I am thankful I have a place to live and food to eat. My heart goes out to those who do not. I cannot imagine what they contend with every single day. I am thankful for diapers. While it is not fun to have to wear them, I am thankful for them because they allow me to lead a normal life. Without diapers, I could not travel, socialize, be active in my community, work or do any other activities I like. Id be tethered to a toilet for the rest of my life or forced to stay in bed and lie on a bunch of towels and plastic bags. I am thankful for my fragrances. I love all those beautiful smells. I am thankful for my comfortable sheets. They feel so good against my skin and make me feel relaxed. I am thankful for my iPhone. This device works wonders and gives me so much freedom and independence. I am thankful for the hot tub. I love how I can go and relax in it after work and unwind. I am thankful for my bubble baths. I have so many to choose from and enjoy. I am thankful for my courage. I may seem weak to people, but I have never failed to stand up when it is necessary. I know it is because God gives me the strength. I cant do it on my own. I am thankful for my remaining four senses. I know I am blind, but I depend heavily on my other senses to function. I am thankful that my phone number does not have so many even numbers in it. I like odd numbers the best. I am thankful for my ability to cook. I can bless myself and others with good tasting food. I am thankful I can still function. Sure, my health makes it difficult; however, I still can with a lot of effort. I am thankful I have been able to touch so many peoples lives with my advocacy work. It really feels good when I can help others. I am thankful I have a bath tub in my house and that I do not live in a place that only has a shower. I hate showers a lot and only take them when there is absolutely no other choice. I am thankful I can get medical help when I need it. I would hate to be left to chance when I needed treatment. I am thankful I have a space heater in my room. It really gets almost as cold as the outside in this room without it. I am thankful I can eat food by mouth and do not need a feeding tube. Sure, I have to stick to a really strict diet to preserve my health, but at least I can still eat by mouth and taste different flavors. I am thankful that I do not have cancer or some other terminal illness. Chronic illness is no picnic, but at least I have a reasonably long time to live.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 05:14:40 +0000

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