I was surfing the channels and saw where the movie Runaway Jury - TopicsExpress


I was surfing the channels and saw where the movie Runaway Jury was about to come on. I had seen it before, but I forgot exactly what it was about. So I settled in to watch it. If you havent seen it, I do recommend it as it is a good and entertaining movie. Its a rarity that I find a extreme left leaning movie entertaining, but I am not too polarized to admit it. Before the movie was over, I was actually pulling for John Cusack and Rachel Weisz. And I like Gene Hackman, but I was actually pulling for something that I strongly disagree with. It is because of this that I decided to write this. Oh how masterfully, they weave the thread of emotion in Hollywood and they know what they are doing. I suggest you watch this movie and regardless of where you stand on gun rights; if you stand with what is right and understand the dangers of the liberal left agenda to ban guns by changing whatever laws they can or even break them, or if you are one of those who have been effectively tricked in to accepting the lefts position, you will find in this movie how they demonized the manufacturers of guns and glorified the brilliant and persistent activists that outplay the professionals at their own game. Ill try not to give spoilers in case you want to watch it, but in the end pay close attention to what Cusack tells Mr. Hackman. That the jury did not have to be swung, it needed only to be protected from Hackmans meddling. Now, once your strings have been played throughout this movie, and you feel relieved at the winners and feel the evil guys got what they deserve, you slowly start to creep back into reality. Then when you think hard about the entertainment you just witnessed, you realize that the left had to pretend that in all the trials over a 10 - 15 year period in the movie, teams like Mr. Hackman were secretly behind the scenes tampering with every jury so that the gun manufacturers were winning. Once you finish enjoying the entertainment, it will bring a small grin to your face to think how much thought and effort was put into this movie to try and demonize the gun, the manufacturers and allow the anti-gun activists a victory. They had to invent a team of professional jury tamperers, I mean a CIA-like private team with secret bugging devices, surveillance, data mining, huge tv monitors, ear pieces and psychological profiling jury selection to explain why juries were ruling against their cause. Watch it and see if you agree, then think of real life where left wing idiots of our own government actually tried to use Fast and Furious in order to sway public opinion on gun rights and it backfired on them. Sad that operation Fast and Furious (and I dont mean the street racing) couldnt have just been a fiction like Runaway Jury.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 04:36:09 +0000

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