I was tagged by Ðm Ráfïd Name: Aftab Sani . Birthday: - TopicsExpress


I was tagged by Ðm Ráfïd Name: Aftab Sani . Birthday: 16/11/97. 1. Last beverage: water 2. Last phone call: tartilul er choto vai ! namta kheyal nai :/ 3. Last text message: Umme :D 4. Last song: Onuvuti by Tahsan :D 5. Last time you cried: Today ! Hashte hashte chokh diya pani bair hoiya geche :3 6. Dated someone twice: Yes. :D :) 7. Been cheated on: yes 8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Yeah !! :*. 9. Lost someone special: Yes. The one most special -_- 10. Been depressed: no... 11. Been drunk: Always.... LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: 12.Blue 13. Black. 14.Light Green SINCE LAST YEAR (2013), HAVE YOU: 15. Made a new friend: Yeap... 16.Fallen out of love: may be... 17. Laughed until you cried: Yeah. Its included in may daily routine :v :v . 18. Met someone who changed you: No... But there is one, who changed me a little 19. Found out who your true friends were: nope 20. Found out someone was talking about you: yaap...!! 21. Kissed anyone on your FB friends list: yeah ! Only one :D GENERAL: 22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life: 30% 24. Do you have any pets: Naah. 25. Do you want to change your name: Yes ! 26. What did you do for your birthday; Mone nai gaa ! 27. What time did you wake up today: accurate 6:17am 28. What were you doing last night: Making Fun... :p :p 29. Whats something you cant wait for: eida komunah :3 30. Last time you saw your mother: maybe 1 month ago or more... 31. What is one thing you wish you could Make a night club beside my sweet home :D 32. What are you listening to right now: 5 talay kon beti jani moshla baat tese sheitar shobdo.... -_- 33.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: yes... Tom Rogers 34. Whats getting on your nerves right now: who the heck made this list n questions!!! 35. Most visited webpages: Techtunes , W3school , Facebook... 37. Nickname(s): Aftab but clg er shobai Tahsan boilai daake,,,. :D 38. Relationship Status: Half single half married :D 39. Zodiac Sign: scorpio 40. He or She: He. 41. Elementary: finished . 42. High School: Green field. 43. College: Ahsanullah 44. Hair color: black &Brown / Eye : Brown 45. Long or short hair: Medium 46. Height: 5 10. 47. Do you have a crush on someone?: yea...!!! 48. What do you like about yourself: My Eyes... 50. Tattoo?: Noope... 51. Righty or lefty: Part time right part time left... RIGHT NOW: 59. Eating: Haua i mean baatash 60. Drinking: nothing ! 61. Im about to: Attack an Indian in clash of clans game :D 62. Doing: Matha chulkai... 63. Waiting for: That special person to send me friend request :D . YOUR FUTURE:i 64. Want kids?: Noh ! Never ! Itz disturbing 65. Get Married?: I dont want to marry ! 66. Career?: I wanna be a polymath WHICH IS BETTER : 67. Lips or eyes: Lips 68. Hugs or kisses: kisses 69. Shorter or taller: Taller. 70. Older or Younger: Younger. 71. Romantic or spontaneous: Both. 72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Nice stomach. 73. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive. 74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship. 75. Funny or Shy?: Both FUNSHY 76. Kissed a stranger: yeah... but that was a accident -_- 77. Drank hard liquor: yeah ! Gramer bari te :D 80. Broke someones heart: hmmm..... 81. Had your own heart broken: jani nah 82. Been arrested: yes, but only for 2 hours. :3 83. Turned someone down: Yeah. 84. Cried when someone died: yes DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86. Yourself: Not fully... 87. Miracles: nope... 88. Love at first sight: nope... 89. Heaven: yap 90. Santa Clause: Nope... 91. The tooth fairy: Nope... 92. Angels: yap !! ............................................................ ........................................................ Rules: # Once youve been tagged, you are supposed to write a status with 92 Truths about you. At the end, choose 20 people and tag them and they will have to upload this status, copy and paste this status, erase my answers and enter.. your own..........................
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 07:51:22 +0000

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