I was tagged to share 20 (mostly) unknown facts about me. - TopicsExpress


I was tagged to share 20 (mostly) unknown facts about me. Unfortunately, there isnt much to share and Ill probably struggle to come up with 20 things! But here goes: 1. Both of my grandmothers are Siddiquis, as well. Cool?... 2. Because they are both sisters. But they are totally unrelated (by blood) to my paternal grandfather, who was also a Siddiqui. 3. Which makes my parents first cousins. For those of you who dont know , marriage amongst cousins is permissible in Islam...although it is suggested that one after another generation not marry cousins due to defects/disabilities/etc. 4. I was born in Pakistan but came to the US when I was 3. Believe it or not, Ive only been to Pakistan once after I came to the US. 5. I had never used foundation/concealer until my brothers wedding last December. 6. Im often mistaken for being much younger than my age. When I was in my early 20s, I went to a Muslim meat market after classes had ended around noon and the store owner mistook me for a private Islamic middle school student and asked me if school had let out early. Haha! Good genes, Alhamdulillah! 7. My paternal grandma passed away in 2002 in Canada while we were visiting my relatives, with whom she was staying. After her funeral, I had a dream in which she visited my house, and my family and I were crying because we lost her. She told me not to worry about her because she was okay. I was never close with her but that dream meant and still means a lot to me. 8. I was nicknamed Bookworm by my classmates growing up. 9. Reason being? My nose was always in a book. I used to read 2-4 200+ paged books a day, and I totally miss being able to do that! 10. I lived in Florida when I was younger. I miss a lot of things about it: the late night strolls on the beach, kosher pizza from a Jewish pizza store (Saras Kosher Pizza) where everyone knew my dad because we ate there often, watching hurricanes and storms with my family. 11. I drive by the airport on my way to work and every time an airplane flies above my car for landing, I feel nostalgic. In Florida, my dad would park his car near the airport and my siblings and I would sit on the roof of the car and watch airplanes land and take off. Best feeling ever! 12. As Im typing this, Alfie, our pet cockatiel is tapping away on the keyboard. I kid you not, I heard him say kiss a couple of days ago when I kept demanding kisses from him! 13. I have a very difficult time sitting still. Im constantly tapping my feet or fingers or biting my lips. Focusing in college and graduate meant doodling while listening to my classmates/professors. 14. My uncle jokingly (maybe hes serious?) calls me the khandaans (defn: familys) feminist because I have major issues when women are not treated well and not given their Islamic rights and privileges. 15. My older brother loves to tell people about the time I came running from the bedroom of my uncles house at full speed, across the living room, and continued running straight into the sliding screen door. In my defense, I honestly thought the screen door was open. I didnt get hurt, thankfully. 16. Ive dislocated my shoulder three times, three summers in a row (06, 07, 08). Once when I fell off the stairs at home, once at a summer ALIM program at Madonna, and once when I was working out at home. Before this, I had never gone to the ER! Id like to think that Allah was purifying me. 17. I have a cup of homemade masala/spiced chai every morning for breakfast. So delicious! 18. I was on the Deans List every semester during undergrad. 19. I ran over a squirrel for the first time a couple of weeks ago. It broke my heart and I cried and fussed, and felt super guilty. 20. I became lactose intolerant in graduate school during my first clinical semester. I think it was the stress, unfortunately, and I miss being able to have normal ice cream for breakfast on the weekends. So that pretty much sums up my life. I was tagged by Debra Christian and I would love to read about your 20 facts, Maahin Mahmood, Faiza Ahmad, Sarah Siddiqui, Nahlah Al-Hallak, Uche N Azikiwe.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:36:18 +0000

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