I was talking to a friend today that comes from a very liberal - TopicsExpress


I was talking to a friend today that comes from a very liberal family.(yes I forgive them their ignorance) and actually realized that liberalism is a sickness and brain washing. They told me how as they were growing up it was preached to them. And how many parts of it really made no sense, but they really had no choice. When they asked me how political discussions went in my home when I was a youth. I had to honestly answer we had no political talks in my family when I was young. I believe my mother to be a libritarian with a dash of fiscal conservatism. And a god fearing woman. My father I believe only believed in the bottle and maybe free love if he thought it would get him laid. My grandparents on both sides were die hard democrats until the party flipped from supporting the working man to backing the unions and pushing socialism. So I had to develope my own mind and opinions on politics. I class myself as a fiscal conservative with some moderate ideas. I believe in the constitution and america. I morn those who gave to give me my freedoms. And I supoort those who defend those rights today. But as I talked to my friend today I realized I had this same discussion about a week ago with another friend who is a staunch republican. And he told me he knew his parents were conservative. But they never preached politics to them. But showed then God and preached american history to them. And allowed them to find their own way politically. As I put 2 and 2 together today I realized that with god and country at heart you have no choice but to chose conservatism. But with socialism pounded into you.and it being pushed by our educational system your pretty much destined to believe that there is no answer other than letting the government control and dictate to you. Now the funny part about this is if you look at most liberals they will vote to let government control their lives while at the same time complain that government is decieving them.. still not sure how this makes sense. Lets see gov is evil and lies to us. But lets give them more power and make them bigger.. this lack of logical thinking is what makes me honestly believe these people are mental and honestly should not be eligable to vote much like those who refuse to show an id to vote..
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 01:34:37 +0000

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