I was talking to my Wednesday night class at church about the - TopicsExpress


I was talking to my Wednesday night class at church about the repercussions of not getting enough sustenance physically/spiritually. Luke 18:1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Physically, if our bodies do not get enough food, they will become weak. If we deprive our physical bodies of food for a prolonged period, we may get in such a weakened state that we faint/get sick/or even die. I used Dakota as an example, who was in my class. I could set food in front of him every day, but if he refused to eat it, it would not provide his body with the nutrients it needed to function correctly. If he refused to eat for several days, his body would become weak, and if he attempted to exert himself physically, he might faint/pass out. When someone faints, they may injure themselves in the fall, but could also injure those around them. We talked about Dakotas size, and what would happen if he fell on someone when he passed out. Not only could he hurt himself, but could injure those who were close to him. In order to prevent this from happening, the physical body needs food to sustain it. You could know your physical body required food to sustain it. You could smell the food, look at the food, be around the food, but if you dont EAT the food, it wont make your physical body stronger. The same is true in a spiritual sense. We need spiritual food to sustain our souls. If we dont get it, our spiritual person gets in a weakened state. If we fail to get spiritual food for a prolonged period, we may find ourselves weakened to the point that we faint/give up/stop serving God/give in to the temptation to sin. Spiritual food is available to us. Spiritual sustenance is available in Gods word, but if we fail to pick it up and read it, we wont reap the spiritual nutritional benefits. (The food is front of us, but we have to pick up the fork/spoon and put it in our mouths.) The same is true for prayer. Spending time in prayer makes us stronger, and provides spiritual strength needed to sustain us. If we fail to spend time in prayer, the strength it accords will not be ours. We also gain spiritual nourishment by attending church, and hearing Gods word expounded upon by ministers or teachers. If we dont attend church regularly.....................The spiritual food is available to us, but were not eating. If we are deprived of spiritual nutrients for a prolonged period, we may find ourselves in a weakened state, and faint. When we faint spiritually, we of course harm ourselves, but we often inflict harm on those around us who love us. Pray, read Gods word and attend church faithfully in order to gain the spiritual strength required for the journey.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 11:11:56 +0000

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