I was talking w/a nurse at lunch today in the ICU where I work. - TopicsExpress


I was talking w/a nurse at lunch today in the ICU where I work. She asked how the strike went. I told her of my reluctance to be optimistic. I told her about the cuts & about the insufficient resources for our mental health patients. I told her how it felt to work for an agency that shows such lack of respect for the profession I love so much. I got teary-eyed as I spoke because it touches my heart deeply (her eyes teared up too). Call me melodramatic, but I was born to be a social worker. Ive worked hard to get where Im at in my career. I respect my profession & those who sacrifice a bit of themselves each day for the better meant of others. I choose medicine because thats where my heart is...serving my patients & families to the best of my ability during tragic, challenging times in their lives. I told my nurse friend how hard it is to come into work & feel like its unappreciated by the higher-ups. Those in the trenches along with me, appreciate my work. The patients & families do as well. This keeps me motivated. If there is a way to reach out to those who are so unwilling to work with the union in our favor, please inform me. This sadness that I feel is bothersome. I hope that one day, the higher-ups require my services. Perhaps then they will appreciate. Perhaps then, they will respect. Perhaps then, they will treat us with decency. And perhaps then, they will be honorable people who support those who represent the agency that pays their bills. Its us Ben Chu who have direct contact with our patients & families! You will not be remembered let alone even known to them. But our patients who are forever touched by the love, respect, & care we provide them with, will remember. And it is us, the social workers, the clinicians who will be remembered. Will it still sadden me that the company I represent & work so hard for cares little if anything about me? Of course! But, my patients will keep me motivated to continue to serve & care for them as long as God wills it.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 06:20:32 +0000

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