I was there What If I told you would you believe me That we - TopicsExpress


I was there What If I told you would you believe me That we all have a past life but Lucky for me I remember where I was Before I was born and I had to wait For you to hold me tight and to hear you say Welcome to this world as I look into Your eyes boy do I have a story to tell You how I came to be with you in this world What if I told you that I was there When God just clapped his hands As we call it the Big Bang Theory As he made the stars shine so bright And made gravity hold all the planets Together and he made a wonderful planet Appeared that we call Earth What if I told you I was there When God made life in six days And he said it was good as he Rested on the seventh day What if I told you that I was there When he made Adam and Eve from Adams’ side He was happy when he woke up And God saw that it was good What if I told you I was there When a snake coerced Eve into Taking a bite out of the tree of knowledge And she turned around And did the same to Adam As they were banished from the Garden of Eden As God put an Angel of Fire to Guard the gate as we all learned From out past mistakes And we can have faith and Do it all over again that is The beauty that we call life What if I told you that I was there When I saw Jesus Christ crucified As I stood there and I cried standing Next to Mary holding her hand as She went to her knees crying for her son As I stood there crying and I went to my And he did on the third day as he rose up from his resurrection And he told me thank you and all of my sins have been erased and you What if I told you that I was there When America fought for there Freedom against the British And we won as we got our freedom As of today we call it the American Revolution And we call it the American dream What if I told you that I was there When Abraham Lincoln freed For four long years against each other Together no matter what race we are I guess that is part of life that We take for granted instead of Sharing it together and make it Work together as we have the same God What if I told you that I was there And I heard Martin Luther King Jr. I have a dream speech as we Should stand together holding hands No matter what color we are That is what we call the American dream Sharing everything in between But we learn from our mistakes As we learn from our past lives What if I told you I was there When John F. Kennedy said that And said that one day we should Be able to go to the moon One frightful day he was assassinated As the country mourned for our falling President let’s just hope we all will learn From our past mistakes that is the joy Of life we can do it all over again What if I told you that I was there When you gave birth to me As you have were crying when they handed me To you as you told me hello And welcome to this world And that you are going to make mistakes And that is what part of life is all about But if we believe in Him our past life mistakes would be forgiven What if I told you I was there
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 21:04:41 +0000

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