I was thinking... F&G are two people who were hired to do a job. - TopicsExpress


I was thinking... F&G are two people who were hired to do a job. Money talks, so thats the only reason why they are here. They dont care. The only thing they probably DO care about right now is to desperately try and save their own asses with their failing careers and credibility, which are a complete disaster. The only thing that could possibly redeem them now in the wonderful world of Corporate America is to expedite and facilitate the successful sale of this company to Arthur T. I wonder if they go to sleep at night wondering Is this all worth it? I wonder if their conscience keeps them up at night, since they clearly arent thinking of the greater good...yet thousands and thousands of others are. By all appearances, this is just business to them. It bothers me when people say Its just business. This entire situation has proven that theory wrong. Businesses are made up of people. Human beings who put their pants on one leg at a time, whether you make billions, millions, or $10 an hour. Arthur S. is clearly an angry and resentful human being, and I think its high time for him to take a long look in the mirror and question the quality of his life right now. He is so quick to point the finger, but refuses to see that he is single-handedly disbanding this company on so many levels by allowing this to continue, and is undoing years and years of hard work that have been done by others. Hate breeds hate, and it will eat away at you from the inside out, slowly killing you, unless you can find a way to put your pride on the shelf and let it go. He needs to let it go. He needs to take it on the chin, look at the reality of the situation, and accept that he is not the one that anyone is fighting for here. That thousands and thousands of people cant all be wrong, and that ruling with an iron fist doesnt get you anywhere. Respect and loyalty are earned, and leaders lead by example. Arthur T. is obviously living proof of this. So Arthur S., if you or your cohorts creep this page and happen to read this, we encourage you to do the right thing and end this. TODAY. Walk away with some dignity and integrity, and find something in your life that youre passionate about besides your level of contempt for the other side. Life is too short. Take the money and run. Build a house in France, buy a yacht, travel the world, or do whatever you want. Just end this pissing contest already. Eventually, maybe you will find peace and acceptance instead of being consumed by hate, pride and by winning. And thats something that money cant buy.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 12:44:25 +0000

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