I was thinking about some of the questions that have come our way - TopicsExpress


I was thinking about some of the questions that have come our way about using natural products to wash your hair, now that we have a small preview batch of the Krya hairwash available, and I decided to write this post. Here are 5 reasons why you should NOT try out the Krya hair wash (and why we have designed the product this way): 1. It is a powder and not a liquid shampoo. This makes it slightly tricky when you begin using the product, and yes it requires a bit of learning / experimentation before you can get it right. The reason we have kept the hair wash a powder and not a liquid is because we do not want to use ground water which is increasingly scarce to create a personal care product. And once we put in water in any form, We would need to add strong fragrances and preservatives as water invites bacteria and fungi into the party. Also, liquid products need strong, rigid plastic packaging. 2. The powder does not dissolve, and may leave behind plant based residue in your hair which you have to comb out: This is because we have used whole plant parts and not their extracts. So the hair wash contains whole plant ingredients like whole soapberry fruits, whole peppermint leaves and whole Albizia amara. We use whole plants and not extracts to ensure our products and our users get the entire benefit of the plant. When we extract certain parts or properties of the plant alone for use, the process is usually energy or resource intensive, and also leaves behind many benefits that we may have otherwise obtained. Of course this means that the plant residue will need to be washed away from your hair. You usually get the hang of this in a few tries. In case you see some bits sticking to your hair after your wash, you can simply comb them out once your hair is dry. 3. The powder has no added fragrance, and your hair will not smell of perfume or anything else after a day: The natural fragrance in the Krya hair wash comes from whole peppermint and mint leaves and orange peel powder. These ingredients have been added for their hair and scalp friendly properties - the fact that they also smell gorgeous is a bonus. But this natural fragrances goes away the minute you wash your hair (you might be able to sniff out a faint hint of it at best for a day). We do not add any non-functional additives to our product, and only use fragrances that come directly from the plant material we use in our formulations. 4. The Krya hair wash cannot be stored for longer than 3 months: we have added a natural preservative to it which is also good for the scalp (and the second reason is pretty much why it is present in the product). We have also added no dessicants to the formulation, so if you store it for too long or do not put it into an air tight box, it may cake up. Our skin and hair care goodies are always made in small batches to ensure that you use the freshest possible goodies and so that we do not have to add any preservatives to extend their shelf life. 5. Your hair will retain its natural texture and will not look like the styled Asian hair or protein treated hair that you usually see in shampoo commercials after a wash. While we add a natural plant based conditioning ingredient to the hair wash, this will not change or alter the texture of your hair like a protein / silicon based conditioner can. So what you will get at the end of your wash is your own hair, cleaned in the gentlest possible manner with no itchy sensation in your scalp after a day. If my attempt at lowering your expectations has not worked , and you would like to give our all natural, Krya Zesty Hairwash with Peppermint & Orange a shot, click here : bit.ly/hairandskingoodiesaug2014 And for fun, heres a video of Maya trying out one of our product characteristic tests on the hair wash - she is doing the foaming test. We have given her a recycled plastic bottle (we usually use glass) for her safety: bit.ly/hwfoamtestmaya And if you would like to read more about using water in products and why we dont, read here : slidesha.re/1krt9yB
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 05:39:30 +0000

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