I was thinking (yup not a good idea) about this past weekend and - TopicsExpress


I was thinking (yup not a good idea) about this past weekend and alot of other things...and while I am slightly disappointed about some stuff...I came to realize how happy I was on Saturday! I usually go out with friends and take all the pics you see, but this Saturday was so different. I spent it with my 4 siblings, beautiful niece, cousin, parents and one true friend. One that no matter what, SHOWS UP! Now to the latter part referring to disappointment. Know this about me, not every comment has a hidden agenda or meaning. If I have something to say, I will say it. I firmly believe FACEBOOK can make or break you. Use it wisely. I used to always laugh when people would post they were going to clean out their friends list, now I will join in and do the same. Tip to people I havent accepted: There is a reason! Either I dont know who the hell you are OR I just dont want to! Tip to others who ask me to message them or leave stupid comments on my pics/post: WHY? Its dumb! Also, we ALLLLLLLL (purposely misspelled) have a past! I am no-one to judge you so please allow my judgement to be given by the Man upstairs. Lastly, YES I have been hurt (ok so maybe a few times LOL) in my lifetime, havent we all? I just believe that its how you carry yourself and move on that defines you. Friends come and GO. Relationships begin and end. BFFs are sometimes just for a season! The only people I respect are the ones that do NOT LIE and the few that have been there for me thru alot of things. LIES are bad and your deceit will ALWAYS haunt you. Live by the Corinthians verse and love unconditionally and keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer (not biblically based, just my philosophy). NO DRAMA NO NEGATIVITY NO LIARS Thanks Facebook for providing this amazing venue to vent. LOL. Have a great week everyone! P.S. delete yourself if this post upsets you!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 18:31:47 +0000

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