I was told by Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, that - TopicsExpress


I was told by Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, that because I did not punch the priest who raped me at 15, that meant I not only liked it, I was a faggot. I have also been called a liar, a scam artist, someone looking for a payday from the RCC. I have been insulted and denigrated. This would NOT happen to a female rape victim. The minute someone suggested because she did not punch her rapist in the face...she enjoyed it and wanted what happened to her....that person would be taken to task and ostracized.We have come a long way really to help female victims of rape, but when it comes time for male victims, we are treated differently. We are at the stage where a long time ago, a woman was raped she was blammed for it because of the clothes she wore, or that she was out alone at a bar, or that she didnt scream enough or fight hard enough to get away from her rapist.When Bill Donohue said this to me in a courtroom I asked myself what if I had punched the priest in the face when he was raping me. Well I know what would have happened. I had already ran away from one foster home, I had been expelled from three high schools, I had been let go at a group home, and one woman they put me with was so old.....so if I had punched him in the face what would have happened to this juvenile delinquent? Does anyone think the cops would have believed me that the reason I punched the priest in the face was because he was raping me? Nope they would not have. They would have believed what ever the holy priest had told them and I would have gone off to YDC til I was 18.So yeah.....I was scared outta my wits....and I endured something no one should have had to gone through. The stealing of my soul, the destruction of my mind, the death of me. It took me 36 years to finally say that I was going to come out of the priest abuse closet. I was NOT going to allow his curse to rule my life any longer. I did NOT care if his warnings to me while he was raping me, that if I told anyone I would burn in hell forever....were valid any longer. I came out. It has been a nightmare for me ever since and a lot of times I sit here and wish I never had of came out.I have been spat upon, I have been insulted, I have been denigrated, I have had charges pressed against me cause I got sick and tired of Bill Donohue and his crap and made a whole bunch of phone calls to him telling him off for his crap. I have been called a demon, etc by parishioners whom wished I would just shut my mouth and go away. I have even been attacked on these very boards.Thing is...I am still standing...I am still wounded....but I am still standing.Time to stop treating male victims of rape like this. Time to stop insulting us.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 14:13:58 +0000

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