I was told on here the other day, in a private message, that I - TopicsExpress


I was told on here the other day, in a private message, that I cannot be “anti-war” and patriotic. I just about lost it. First let me say, not only do I have many friends on Facebook that were in the Military, I have family also. I honor and respect ANY human being willing to give their life for what they believe is right and for what they love. I am proud to live in a country, knowing we have the bravest and the best. I am also wise enough to understand that every country needs a military. Including countries who have never really been into a war in my lifetime, like Switzerland. I will never let the indoctrination of the media, the military, education or anything else our Government has it’s hand in, convince ME that NOT supporting wars (behind lies) is unpatriotic. This is an extremely important part of the psychological warfare I witness taking place. Supporting war is patriotic. Are you kidding me? Our men and women in uniform deserve FAR better than anything they get. Today, they are used as disposables by the very same entity spreading the illusion that war means peace. I am appalled by the fact that Americans have become so desensitized and delusional that they believe this hypocrisy. It is no wonder the young men and women in uniform, putting their heads on the chopping block, do so willingly. Look at this whole country! When I see someone posting pictures of dead soldiers calling them hero’s, the hero part I will agree with, because they died thinking they were doing what needed to be done and was right, but their death was all in vain and I am sickened by this. Anyone understand today what the hell the rules of engagement are on the battlefield for these soldiers? I do. SUICIDE. Anyone understand that the very enemies they are fighting, we helped ARM those enemies first!? 99% OF ALL HUMANS ON THIS PLANET deep down, have one desire in common - The desire to live their lives in peace, with freedom. 1% doesnt want that for us. And they are the very ones profiting the most from wars. What the HELL is going to take for people to realize, their kids don’t have to be sent off to die behind these lies? ALL WARS ARE BANKERS WARS and those that don’t even want to try to understand what that means when they hear it, especially when HUMANITY is at stake, are the INDOCTRINATED, DESENSITIZED and DELUSIONAL people I am talking about. These are the very same people supporting war to be patriotic. They are responsible for these sacrifices of humanity. Whether they know it or not.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 05:37:51 +0000

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