I was told that Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Ole Lenku - TopicsExpress


I was told that Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Ole Lenku visited the clashes affected areas in Mandera County together with the County Leaders. Woow!! That was great indeed. It was good that he went on a survey of the affected areas and i highly commend him and his bosses State House Kenya on that, but the part where he did a baraza to threaten local chiefs and also to preach peace to residents who have not yet healed from the trauma was ill advised and not wararnted. You can never expect to achieve peace by threatening chieffs and preaching peace to already traumatized victims. They need trauma healing and the establishment of a conducive environment where there is law and order, and not empty threats. His baraza gave an opportunity to the deadly militias to rest for a day, chew miraa and restrategize on what to do net, i think it exposed the residents to more danger coz some of the brains fuelling and funding the violence travelled with him from Nairobi to Mandera hiding in their hypocritical skin of County Leaders. If he can give a listening ear to my advice;... Hon. Lenku that strategy was very very poor Sir. It was not mattreesses burning in Westgate that you went to watch but it was innocent human lives being butchered and tortured by hired militias. You should have done better than that, next time dont go to Mandera for a baraza, bring 10 Platoons of the KDF to crush the militias, that way there will long lasting peace and harmony. When it comes to bringing law and order in a clash affected area, military actions are far more effective than empty threats.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 21:49:09 +0000

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