I was trying to think of something fun to do for my 35th birthday - TopicsExpress


I was trying to think of something fun to do for my 35th birthday today and I decided that I would try and come up with a list of some of my most favorite memories (or maybe not favorite – maybe just memories!) – and if you’ve been my friend for this long, thanks for sticking by me. I am fortunate to have so many amazing people in my life - some of you have been around since the beginning of time - not just my incredible mom, dad, sister and brother - but its so humbling to look back over the last 35 years and see that I have SO many friends who have been in my life for 20+ years. We may rarely see each other OR even talk, but the I KNOW that the minute I needed you or you needed me, wed be there for each other. Chances are, you have a story, too, so share it with me… 1. I shocked myself by putting car keys in the electrical outlet when I was like four…five, maybe? Thanks, mom, for leaving the keys lying around. 2. When my sister, Kasey Richardson, was born, I hated manholes so badly that I didn’t want to visit her at the hospital because there was one right in front of the entrance. Unfortunately, I lost that battle. I did get a sticker for my visit. 3. The weekends upon weekends we spent at Brown County, camping with my Grandpa Bob and Grandma Ruth – feeding marshmallows (oops!) to the deer and eating bologna sandwiches. 4. Speaking of bologna sandwiches. I hate them now, but I used to love them – and Grandpa Bob always made them with white bread, a piece of cheese and a smiley face in mustard. Man, I miss him. 5. I learned how to ride a bike by starting at the top of our driveway and running down straight into the brick garage. I had a nice black eye from that… 6. Raspberries (which I had this morning) make me think of my Grandpa Bob, too. Picking them in the summertime from his garden and the tree line behind the house. Strawberries, mulberry trees… 7. I love June. It was always the time of year when the entire Hurst clan came home and life was always good. I could always count on a weeks worth of laughs, food and FAMILY. This just makes me miss Grandma even more. Shell be gone a year very soon... :/ 8. Growing up in a small town is never an easy task – but when you look back at those times, you have such a great appreciation for the greatest memories that were born there and the best friends you’ll always have – no matter how much time passes. While I don’t want to live there, I do LOVE going back there. 9. Kicking Ronnie Bott in the nuts in 3rd grade. 10. Chasing Daniel Livesay into a telephone pole in 4th grade – I really wanted your Hit Stix. 11. Fighting over boys with Suzanne Vick in elementary school. 12. Writing notes in middle school and having them taken away (or read in front of the class!!!!). 13. Going to my first concert – New Kids on the Block – with mom, Kasey, Suzanne and Nancilee Sprague. 14. Cherie Gerstung-Cantys end of the year pool parties. 15. High school locker night – and our class busting the school window with a water balloon so no one else could have locker night ever again! 16. Maintaining a high school girls rite of passage by working at Dortee’s. 17. Falling off a horse in The Middle of Nowhere, Colorado…busted knee, fractured shoulder, bleeding everywhere. You should try it sometime. 18. Alexandria High School basketball games and EVERYTHING that came along with this – being Class 2A State Champions in 1998 AND seeing the baseball team win in 1998, too! 19. Being football manager in high school (Kylee Stevens Allman and Carrie Erskine Hoffman) – who knew Spray and Wash and athletic tape would be so much fun? We had some super cold/rainy nights, but we had SO MUCH FUN. 20. Being Homecoming Queen – 1998! HA! 21. Getting the Internet in 1998 because, well – it changed my life. I eventually met so many friends, met my husband and now I’m building a business. This internet thing is amazing! 22. Spring Break 1999 with Sharon Matt Montgomery, Derek Jacobs and Joe Granger – where Joe got his tongue pierced and could barely speak for a week. 23. Dancing on stage with Everclear with Betsy Marie Hosier! Back in our alternative days! Powerman 5000, for life! 24. Concerts. Period. I’ve been to so many concerts. I once saw Marilyn Manson up close – and he was not very well clothed on his nether region. 25. “Living” with Suzanne in college – even though I was really just camping out on her couch or sharing the other side of her bed. 26. Stepping outside of my comfort zone to study in Mexico for a summer. I’d never flown before, but I needed four credits of a foreign language before I graduated and I wanted to graduate NEXT semester. Yup, I’m going to Mexico to fulfill that. I met some incredible people and made memories I won’t forget. 27. Beating up on my brother when I was in college and shouldve known better, Kurt Hurst. 28. Getting to graduate college a week after my dad did! 29. I know I get a lot of crap for changing jobs a lot – BUT, I’ve been fortunate to have worked for some really amazing companies in the last 10 years. Melea Gault gave me a chance to work for Simon in 2005 and I loved every second of being her third arm…which led me to meet the amazing Kelly Johns-Agent and Londa Wine and Lea Willingham. The Fashion Mall will always hold gold standards in my heart. And moving onto Emmis – I can’t even tag everyone there. I wouldn’t want to leave anyone out. Working at Emmis gave me an incredible experience to work with so many talented people. I also got to see some amazing concerts from some UBER popular artists, sit in conference rooms to hear some up and coming artists and shake hands with some of them who just happened to be walking through the building. If I could turn back the hand of time, I’d be back in my chair at Emmis right now…or at Comcast, where I was for a short six months (before Jeremy moved me to Ohio), but I fell in love with every last person there. EVERYONE. It still hurts my heart. 30. Making the decision to sign up for Match and eventually meet Jeremy Hunt – best decision of my life. He wasn’t looking for me, that’s for sure, but I was looking for him… 31. The birth of my two amazing children should be the #1 memory of all times – nothing can ever compare to becoming a mother for the first time – especially after having two heartbreaking miscarriages. 32. Meeting two groups of lovely ladies in the great city of Chicago – one group who I’ve been friends with since our miscarriages in 2009 and the other group since the birth of our children in 2010. Two weekends I’ll never forget. 33. Owning three homes in eight years – LOL. Yup. It’s funny – go ahead and laugh. We’ll own our next house for a very long time. 34. Winning $1500 in Vegas three years ago. 35. Jeremy and I taking a road trip out west almost three years ago – driving to Denver and up through South Dakota, which we LOVED so much. Can’t wait to do it again someday. 36. Being fortunate enough to have taken the boys to Disney twice already. Seeing their eyes light up at this age has been the most incredible experience ever. I’m glad my birthday is in January because it makes me feel like I’m in line with the New Year. MY New Year starts today and I have so many new memories I want to make and I want to share with SO many of you. This year will be the year that my baby goes to kindergarten and Jeremy and I build another block onto the top of the plan we’re constantly changing together. It’s the year that Nolan will have to learn on his own, without Mason at pre-school with him – even though they aren’t in the same class, they’re still at the same place! It’s the year that we continue our healthy way of life and I go to a FITNESS summit in Nashville and meet the ladies I’ve been corresponding with for the last seven months
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 19:14:21 +0000

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