I was up very early this morning just thinking it was about all - TopicsExpress


I was up very early this morning just thinking it was about all the work and excitement of our coming Weatherford CTB weekend in October, but after watching this entire video of one of my greatest heros of faith I know the Lord just wanted to encourage me and my family and to confirm that our ministry is right on track as we step out in faith to see the Lord exalted on high and many people coming into his loving arms and being set free from many worldly bandages. I also want you to know that when I was first saved and wondering have the lord could use an old bull rider like me, I heard a powerful prophecy by Smith Wiggles worth that was given back in the early 1900s from his home land of England. He said the Lord would use the American Cowboys to prepare the world for his second return. Not only was that would I needed to hear back then but also today in all of our ministries missions. The key was that I believe that if God was going to be using cowboys....Then I wanted to be his cowboy, and just like receiving that powerful word back years ago You and I can be very blessed to receive the Lords word into our lives today and every day forward for an eternity. ..No matter if you are a cowboy or not you are a child of God and through your faith in the Lord and his word you to can be all that he has created you to be.I pray that not only will you take the time to watch and enjoy this entire video but that it will stir up your faith in such a manner that it will cause you to believe with all your heart that you are more than a Conquer in Christ Jesus our Lord...and now you know a little more about the how the Lord has given us a vision for our Conquering the Beast ministry outreaches.Enjoy and I know that many of us are looking for answers to some of lives toughest questions and there are many to receive in this video. Blessings
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 12:28:27 +0000

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