I was visiting my Mom and Dad down in Texas one of the last few - TopicsExpress


I was visiting my Mom and Dad down in Texas one of the last few years my Dad was alive and still enjoying. I was sitting next to him on the couch with my ear buds on listening to my ipod. My Dad leaned over and asked whatcha listening to? so I took out one of my buds and stuck it in his ear. He gave me a surprised look, so I took the other out, re-started the song and handed him my ipod. He stuck them in his ears and yelled at me, All this sound coming out of THESE little things? I laughed and shook my head yes. He put his head back against the couch and shut his eyes. After it was done, he said, That was purdy. Hey Sharon (my mom), you should listen to this, its really purdy! After that, I bought him his own ipod and filled it with songs I knew were either his favorite or knew he would like, including the song he listened to that day in TX. Every time I hear that song now I think of my dad and our encounter, as small as it was. He was always enjoying the purdy things, always pointing out the purdy things in life. Music does different things for everyone - - for my dad, he found it purdy. Many days after, wed find him sitting in his favorite chair with his buds in his ears, enjoying his purdy. My hope for all of you is that you find that one or two or even three things YOU think is purdy, and enjoy the heck out of it.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 13:08:37 +0000

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