I was volunteered to help run the popcorn stand (thanks Nicole) on - TopicsExpress


I was volunteered to help run the popcorn stand (thanks Nicole) on Back to School night yesterday. I asked Sophie if she wanted to stay home with her Grandma Martha who is in town. To my surprise Sophie said she wanted to come. Are you sure? Yeah dad. Take the short cut. Dont go the long way. Awesome! Im sure some of your friends will be there, I said. Sophie responded that she didnt think so and her BFF, Nadia wasnt coming anyway. On the drive to the school from the back seat Sophie says that she is planning on hanging out with the me at the popcorn stand. Thats great! So youll be like my assistant. Umm...not really. I was at a red light and thinking that perhaps she didnt understand, I thought Id explain the concept of how when you are helping someone out youre like an assistant. Well, youll be helping me out right? ummm...yes, Sophie says. Okay then, a helper is like an assistant. Youll be like my assistant. I explained. Sophie looked out the window as if taking this in, contemplating. Then she looked at me in the rearview mirror and explained the reality of the situation: Dad, Im more like your boss.The lights green. Green means go.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 17:32:20 +0000

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