I was walking up the stairs like any normal night. Salad in one - TopicsExpress


I was walking up the stairs like any normal night. Salad in one hand and bottle of water in the other I was mere steps away from the top when suddenly a great force pushed me from behind. Apparently Charge, my ever so patient and polite German Shepard, felt it was necessary to race me to the top. I stumble forward trying to catch my balance while holding on desperately to my food. I may have been okay if not for a suit case which was carelessly left in the middle of the floor by an unknown individual (Hollie Graham Matthews). I tripped over the suit case falling in the darkness while still fighting to keep my delicious, crisp, cold salad from toppling to its doom. In one swift motion I hit Jordons door and fell to my, and my salads demise. But the fight had only just begun, for out of the darkness, the same German Shepard who had so cleverly set me up for my downfall dove through the air like a rocket in an attempt to devour the ruined meal. At this time I still had hope for my salad, so young, and I wasnt going to give up this hope. I pushed in the darkness fighting off my well camouflaged offender with all the skill that years of living with pets gifts you. Endless hours of trying to eat my food in peace from dogs and cats alike had prepared me for this moment. I held off Charge the Trippers attacks and called for the aid of someone downstairs to turn on the light. I held my breath, waiting as the foot steps grew closer to the light switch, praying that my salad had made it through this brawl. Hoping that by some chance I would be able to walk away with it in my hands and enjoy it. But as the light switch flicked and the light flooded the room, I was filled with sorrow because my salad, who had fought so hard, did not live through the encounter. I laid there defeated, toe throbbing, salad murdered, and let it all sink in. It was the end of a salad, so young and innocent, brought down by a canine. RIP Salad
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 01:07:57 +0000

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