I was wandering a bit on this place we call face! Liking stuff. - TopicsExpress


I was wandering a bit on this place we call face! Liking stuff. Commenting where I had a comment to place. Reading blogs and news articles and randomness that pops up in newsfeeds everyday. I do this. Not just when the house gets quiet after 8 pm. Facebook is my moms club, my book club, my social playing field. You guys dont judge me that my hair isnt done and that I am still in my pajamas. I like it this way. You guys understand. We can be best friends, whine about our kids and never have to leave the comfort of our recliners. You can leave me to play 18 hours of Farmville and send me game requests, because I play those games too. Yup. This is my social place. I like it for the comfort and ease it provides me for meeting new people and not having to look them in the eye or talk out loud. Brain to keyboard thinking is just easier. Anyway, as I travelled, I was noticing a pattern of judgement across the land of Face that disturbed me. That sent me running back here to the comfort of my lovelies who I know are the greatest because in the 8 months of owning this page I have never dealt with someone getting nasty and judgemental of anything I do. One thing stuck out though and I am going to debate it here. The Parent war. I see it. Who has it tougher, who doesnt appreciate the angels they were given. The blah blah blah. This all comes about because of a post my friend over on A Day in the Life of a Drama Queens Momma shared. It was a meme, celebrating the first day back to school. She handled the judgement on her oh so funny meme well, the lady back peddled and said it was only her opinion, but it didnt sound like an opinion. It sounded like this lady was digging at the How dare you think that about your precious angels!! Now- I call my children monsters- sometimes I call them assholes! If the name fits.. you know. After being home two flipping weeks, all of them and having their cousins here too, you can be certain that after I dropped them off on Monday at school I shouted with glee and I celebrated the fact that The Boss still takes naps! I also long for bedtime! Seriousl, does this make me a bad mother? No it doesnt because half the time we are hanging on by a mere thread of human likeness. We look and act like zombies, our ears hurt, our heads hurt. We shouted at some point because they play the I didnt hear you game! We have to deal with picky eaters and Hes touching, talking, staring at me all day long. We have almost died tripping over toys! There is always laundry and dishes and floors that need sweeping. And forget the fact that if they are home all day we MUST feed them at least 3 times a day!! I love my boys! I do. I love them so much. And when they are good and getting along, I love them more than that which is nearly impossible because of how much I love them. I love them when they are bad, but I dont always like them. And like they like to lull me into into a false sense of security, I too like to make them believe that I like them, even when I dont at that moment. I am pretty lucky, I have pretty great children. But I dont toot their horn constantly, because sometimes there is just nothing to brag about (except The Oldest, hes perfect) What part of parenting says we have to like them always? Is it some stupid parent poem that says when we are sleep deprived and exhausted and they are loud and mean to us, we have to be all, I love my children! ? We are all surviving a pretty tough game here. And they are devouring our souls one tantrum at a time. The least we can be allowed is a gleeful moment when they finally return to school after winter and spring break. And what about summer? Are you saying that after two long months you arent excited for the first day of school? Then I call your bluff and I know you send them little angels to summer camps or a friends house nearly every day! If you ask my kids my favorite time of day,they all excitedly shout Bedtime! Its not just the quiet that descends and I can finally hear my own thoughts. Its like a restart a promise, on a pretty bad day! Tomorrow might be way better who knows. So mothers and fathers, its okay to not ALWAYS like your little monsters, I mean angels. Its okay to love that they go to school and to cherish the time after they fall asleep as your alonetime! Parents unite! Stop helping to make us feel bad about ourselves we already do that enough! What is one thing you have said that you felt judged as a parent?
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 01:49:59 +0000

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