I was watching a tv documentary over this past weekend that I - TopicsExpress


I was watching a tv documentary over this past weekend that I found very informative.. It was a series covering the gangs and gang related activity in several different major cities here in the US. What I found amazing is that weve heard of how bad the bloods & crytps are... ms13 and the Latin Kings... Bad news all ofem.. but heres the eye-opener... all of the above PALE IN COMPARISON when it comes to the gangs of NOLA!!!... After Katrina.. many of these outside gangs moved into nola to take over the drug action and related criminal activity.... but all of that was SHORT-LIVED!..... Every one of these ruthless hard-core gangs tucked-tail and the lucky got out with their lives! ..below is a link to a video of an interview that gives you a little idea of the mindset of street thinking in New Orleans. What is kindah scary is these incidents of gun warfare and violence is now common in heavily tourist trafficked areas ... namely in and around the French Quarter. Ive never had any problems out there other than a bicycle being stolen (not gang related) and another attempted bike theft (I feel certain it was probably the same people).... and Ive put a couple hundred miles behind me over the years riding the city.....even in areas that most folks wouldnt venture..(unless they were lost). But then again I have a way of blending in and looking like there aint nothing to get (thats that damned-ole-dirtfarmer thing Ive mentioned many times... serves me well in situations if you wanna call it that like...well that.) Ive parked my truck and slept in it all night long in a place where most wouldnt have dreamed of staying.. had no trouble... but all of that is way off topic.. Savannah is currently under siege by criminal activity that is now impacting the tourist trade there. Its gettin real folks... heatin-up for sure. Cops dont want any part of this...hell,.. aint no money in it... AND ITS DANGEROUS!!! In nola... there is infinitely miniscule chance of being locked-up for more than 60 days for murder... thats it... Why you ask?... Cause the case will be dropped as no witnesses dare come forward... to do so is to die!.. There was a case not long ago where an 18 yr old ambushed either 4 or 5 young kids in a vehicle early one morning... and WALKED on day 61 on those charges although I think they got him on possession charges... They all know he did it... but yeah...aint nobody coming forward on that one. So here is really the bottom line.. Am I gonna stop going to nola?.. NO.... would I suggest you not going?... NO.... How many of my Savannah friends have packed-up and headed for the hills since the uptick in crime there?... If you go.... dont dress and act like a tourist... leave your jewelry at home... dress down and act (YES ACT) like you live there (this requires a bit of homework and behavioral changes.. but I know you can do it) Chances are that like me.. youll have no problems : )
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 17:11:23 +0000

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