I was welcomed home by a well written, well thought out letter - TopicsExpress


I was welcomed home by a well written, well thought out letter from Mark Stoner retired US Marine. He is from Mercersburg. Mr. Stoner, on behalf of me and my family, thank you for your service. I am responding using this Facebook is because Mr Stoner is obviously monitoring the site, plus there was no return address on the envelope with 2 stamps and 4 single spaced pages. Because of that, Mr Stoner I am respectfully asking that you send me a private message or call me on the phone- not to talk particularly - but so I can verify that you are a real person and not another Mr. Giff or Griff or whatever that particular PHHC member induced nonsense was all about. You remember Mr Giff/ Griff??? That was when one of those highly respected members of the club invented a false Facebook identity and threatened me and some other locals for being on another side of the issue. Furthermore that respected member brought out a bunch of highly personal family stuff about Karen .... Very very private and personal stuff. Mr. Giff/ Griff was a fake. Taking shots like a complete coward. Completely fabricated. Is that what respectable people do? That is how I will initially reciprocate to your blanket statement about the respected members of the PHHC. Mr. Stoner you told me of the many ties to Fulton County and I want you to know I respect your position on every single word you took the time to write. I appreciate why things must seem the way they seem to you-- and its obvious you want to see justice. I have no beef with that....for sure Mr. Stoner. Also I had no idea about any killing of mr. Henrys cows. I do think that it could be highly likely there is an actual dead cow; I seriously doubt anyone killed it. Unless possibly it was Mr. Giff or Griff. In fact, If there was any damage or violence- I would look to Mr Giff/ Griff and his/ her documented feeble history of fabrication and the effort to discredit others on the other side.... You see sir, for me PHHC has no credibility. ZERO!! And I didnt fabricate that. I had it hammered into me as a jr high age kid to present. I have lived in Ft Littleton since I was 12. Once an avid hunter, Ive seen first hand how the PHHC conducted itself in the neighborhood. Not ALL of them for sure: But more than one- I assure you. I can remember a member who yelled and screamed and exited a local fella in turkey season -- made a big deal of it. Same member later that season I walked up on while on Glenn Winegardeners land - the respected PHHC member had 2 dead birds at his feet and still hunting for a third. He was and is a school teacher. Local one. One of those respected members you referred to. ***** he was SUPER NICE to me that day. I can go on with stories like this. I have no doubt how PHHC shares nature and friendship and good things within the club- no doubt. I can also attest to the conduct of the PHHC to the many Ft Littleton neighbors who werent members. Most of us I would classify as less fortunate ----monetarily. In my life, from my chair, the PHHC has demonstrated to me a complete double standard- while NOT ONE other Ft. Littleton land owner treated their me or any of the poorer neighbors like common criminals. PHHC has always done what they wanted like some convoluted type of aristocracy. Hunting has been ruined for me because of things like this. In PA - the POSTED capital of the world --- i have found that to me, hunting just brings out the worst in everyone. Whos got time? Not me. That .... and I just lost my desire to kill anything. Organizations like PHHC and others started all of this brain-damage decades ago by shitting on their neighbors. Thus breeding ill will - and the widening of the class gap over something as simple and fundamental as hunting. Jealousy. Uglyness. Anyway Ive digressed. I have known the Frakers for the same span of time The Ron Frakers and the Cecil Frakers ..... for a long long time. I will say the briefest way to encompass my experiences - the Fraker grocery extended my single mom credit for food when I was was in Jr. high. And we had no money. Not really more I can say. And none of them - ever treated me differently or like I was less. Surely not like the second class citizen the condescending PHHC did if I dare cross their hallowed ground. Ron Fraker and family have been wonderful neighbors and friends since -- the beginning. Like Ron Richards - I actually laugh at the thought of this situation if Cecil was alive. But hes not. It is a laugher to think about though. These are my understanding of the facts: Years ago, Land was bought, money exchanged, deeds issued, surveys done, documents filed officially in the court house- the required notices were officially published in the news paper. Based on this set of legal filed documents --- Taxes were then issued and taxes were paid - taxes accepted. Taxes spent. Homes were built. Decades go past. The cycle continues. Over over and over I could give a fat rats ass what loophole there is; its over, its gone. Too much water over the dam. It suggests the dislodging of lives. Its just just land man. Who cares ?? If you want to do the righteous thing - them make a park out of it. Leave the people who did the right thing be; everyone else is dead. No one alive did anything wrong, if there was in fact any wrong doing. To go back and do this is disgusting and simply wrong. No matter how you care to justify it to yourself. It does not make any common sense... Not any. The lawsuit and lawyers are pretty much to me 100% consistent with the grotesque way some of the respected people of the PHHC have conducted themselves to most of us commoners here in Ft. Littleton for decades. See the difference sir? Seriously, drop,me a line- I would like to make sure you are real Mr. Stoner. Im not kidding about that. And thanks again. I found your letter informative and I appreciate why you feel the way you do, I am asking that you understand why I feel the way I do.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 01:43:04 +0000

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