I was working away on my laptop, trying to finish an assignment, - TopicsExpress


I was working away on my laptop, trying to finish an assignment, and the power at my house keeps flickering. I was so tempted to just call it quits. The thing is I committed to doing it so I kept plodding and the power kept flickering! I finished up my work but the whole situation got me thinking. We face obstacles every day. We set out with determination to do something, have something, or be something. Some times we succeed and some times we dont. When we dont succeed, when we come up to that one hurdle that seems almost larger than life, why do we drift? Why do we loose site of our dreams and concentrate on the thing that is standing in our way? When you stop focusing on what you do want and you start focusing on what you dont want (or that obstacle that is standing in your way) you create a space of lack (a void) and the only way to fill that space is with a good ol juicy story. You know, the kind that start like .... Id buy that incredible car IF only I had the money. We will go on that vaction ... next year ... right now i DONT have the time. Id be twice as productive at work but I got stuck partnering with so and so. I would but my (husband, wife, mother, father, kids, job, circumstances) wont allow for it. When you get stuck in the cycle and continue focusing on the obstacles in your way, the story grows, gets more support and instead of being a chapter or two in your book, it becomes the theme. You have to get clear. What is more important to you.... Having what you want, or the story! Break the cycle! Focus on what you want. When things come up they either support your wants or they dont. Develop the things that support you and delete or delegate the things that dont. Get clear and stay focused. You can have what you want!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 05:59:45 +0000

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