I wasnt even born to these three tongues.....Tamil,Hindi,English - TopicsExpress


I wasnt even born to these three tongues.....Tamil,Hindi,English but can read,write and speak in varying degrees...love them too. Tamilnadu,the state I live in is my adopted state. On the other hand,Malayalam ,the language of my ancestors ,I speak fluently but at most stitching words together,read or write more than a few words... What bureaucracy,governments,cultures ....across the world should realise is that people love freedom of choice.....and left to themselves ,they will pick up,learn,be happy with.....it is when imposition starts that it becomes irritating......and there is resentment,anger...leads to unnecessary violence....and in a democratic country,a marriage between diverse cultures,if one language is attempted to be promoted over ones own tongue,there is huge angst...but human,but natural...there are so many more important things in life...why focus on stuff that wilol cause chasms.. Can understand the angst of Tamil speaking populace...though not by birth,speak it very well...love it huge...one of the oldest languages of the world...rich in its texture.......Guess what irritates a lot of us in South India ,is the typical posture of even the knowledgeable Indian living in the north........without taking the efforts,or interest to know just lump anyone south of the Vindhyas as Madrasis......think there is only one language Madrasi.....and be very condescending Whereas on the other hand the average southie,knows,understands,takes effort to speak.....treats with due courtesy and respect....for example some of the southern languages like Malayalam have a huge degree of Sanskrit in it as also Tamil...it is an amalgam of both influences in a way....... What they also dont understand is after a lot of tolerance,the average southie starts thinking of them in terms of intellectual contempt......ignoramuses......very much Big Moose stereotypes......unfortunate.;.unnecessary ..but folks start feeling that..after a long time cheeks just dont get turned.....a wanting to give back happens to the most peaceful of folks anywhere in the world....is provocation necessary......... On the flip side ,it is also equally important that a language and people speaking a language should not become insular...get so caught up in its cultural heritage that learning or speaking another too is considered not correct......that is something that is equally abhorrent...mutual respect should be what we all should strive for,
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 06:19:56 +0000

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