I wasnt going to delve into this police related protest thing - TopicsExpress


I wasnt going to delve into this police related protest thing anymore. It is a very divisive issue and was causing some friction within my circle of friends and family, but someone made a post recently that pretty much nailed it and I wanted to expound on it. I am not going to approach this from an All cops are bad because they are the arm of the oppressor point of view. For one thing, that is a completely ineffective argument, although I understand the point the people who say that are trying to make. I dont think it is about uniformed agents of the executive branch vs civilians. It is about people. Some people are bad people. Some people are easily influenced, could go either way. And some are decent people. We have a system that currently promotes the bad people, has them train the easily influenced people, and fires/threatens/murders the good people if they stand up to the system. I do not automatically assume that the person wearing the blue or black uniform is out to cause me harm. In fact, I generally try to give them the benefit of the doubt. But I am mindful of the fact that they not only have no responsibility to look out for my rights and/or welfare, they are actually trained that those are not as important as their orders. I especially like the fact that this has an upside down flag -- a symbol of distress. Our system is broken. What is worse is that people are ignoring the fact that it is broken and instead saying, We are AWESOME! Were AWESOME! and other such nonsense. We are not awesome. We arent even average. We have lost the right to even consider making that claim. We are a diseased culture. We are a culture dedicated to fairness and morality while simultaneously denying those very principles when it suits us. We care more about pop figures in science, politics, and entertainment and have stopped thinking and acting for ourselves. On the rare occasions that someone does stand up for themselves, they are beat down dramatically by the very mechanisms that are supposed to be in place to empower them. We have accepted as normal the platitudes that we all have the same opportunities while ignoring that we dont. We each have our own opportunities that are unique to us and amazing. And because of this, we have raised a whole population of debt slaves that are so beguiled by the idea that they will never get out from their burdens that they are lashing out at whatever they can. Currently, that is the people enforcing the multitude of meaningless and victimless laws. I do NOT support the NYPD, but I will stand by some of the people that work for them. I will stand by and support the people that go out of their way to try and fix the wrongs and are willing to say, Hey, these protesters do have some valid points and maybe we should apologize for our actions on occasion, lawyers be damned. I also support the people who stand up at great personal risk and say, NO! We will not go quietly. We are here with a message and you and everyone else on the planet will hear us. Thing is I have family that are/were cops. I have listened to the stories, even challenged them on occasion. That led to some interesting arguments. There really is a disconnect that occurs after a while, though. At some point THE LAW becomes more important to some people than what is right. And what is worse, they dont even have to really know it (based on recent SCOTUS decision). You know, if one of them has my back when dealing with an armed thug, high five to them. When one of them is trying to calm down a hysterical person as an officer of the peace (do those exist anymore?), and can do it without killing them, then that is great. But when they start behaving like the people they are purportedly trying to stop, there is a problem. Heh, ironically, I remember a family member saying that is why he got out of undercover work. BTW, I 100% do NOT agree/support/or cheer on the murder of those two cops in NYC or the cop in Florida or any cop that is murdered in the line of duty. They are people that are murdered. Its never OK for me unless they were initiating deadly force.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 23:55:31 +0000

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