I wasnt going to say anything but I have received several phone - TopicsExpress


I wasnt going to say anything but I have received several phone calls, texts, emails, etc, regarding a Situation that is going on with our Keegan Alls. Without going too in-depth, Keegan has been having headaches since Christmas break. Migraines run in our family so we thought they were simply migraines. Well they got worse and after having a CT on Thursday, we learned that he has fluid on the ventricles of his brain. This Fluid build up is secondary to a cyst on his brain. The neurosurgeon thinks he was probably born with this cyst but for some reason it has continued to grow and has now fully manifested itself. Dr.Baker told us that this fluid could be detrimental if left alone, so it must be removed. They are going to insert an Ultrasound Guided Needle into Keegans brain and extract this extra fluid from the cyst. As blessed and as talented as Dr. Baker is, he has referred Keegan to his partner, Dr. Thompson, who is a renowned Pediatric Neurosurgeon. He will have an MRI and an exam by Dr. Thompson next Thursday and at that time we will know more about where we stand and what is to be expected. We are asking for prayers, not pity. When you go to God for your family, please include mine...And thank you Ladies, especially you Wayne-Caroline Anderson for being the Best Nurse Practitioner and friend.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 03:59:39 +0000

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