I wasnt too worried at first this morning when I opened the shed - TopicsExpress


I wasnt too worried at first this morning when I opened the shed door and Shadow, our black barn cat wasnt there. Its not unusual that he goes out for the night if one of the boarders comes late and opens the door. I will admit I felt a twinge of concern when I was ready to go and he still was not back. I shook the feed container, called him, and he still didnt come. Strange ....... but I tried to tell myself he was just visiting next door. He is very social and visits the farm across the driveway regularly. I finally left, trying to feel confident he would be there when I got back. It wasnt much later that Katie called to tell me some of the riders from the barn next door had found Shadow. It appeared his leg might be broken. Katie got an animal carrier and headed down to get him. It turned out he had not been contain, and by the time Katie got there he was missing again. Katie searched and searched. Shadow was nowhere to be found. Madelaine was on her way, and I headed down to join the search. I was in a panic, worried we would not find him. I thought about him being hurt in the woods, with the bad weather coming. Thankfully by the time I got to High Tide, Shadow was already in a crate. It turns out when Madelaine got to the barn Shadow had already found his way back to the shed. The trail riders that had spotted Shadow were there checking on him. His back leg was non weight bearing and extremely swollen. To the vet Shadow will go. Please keep your fingers crossed for Shadow. He is such a sweet boy. I am just sick about him getting hurt. Many thanks to Carol, Phyllis, and Marie, for letting us know about Shadow and seeing him into the crate safely. Its nice to have such good and caring horse neighbors. Its also reassuring to know we have others looking out for us and our critters. I am hoping this is the last bad thing to report on at High Tide for a while. Weve had down and broken fences, downed stall fronts, and now an injured kitty. I declare High Tides bad streak officially ended. Anytime you work with animals, especially ones that weigh 1000 pounds, anything can happen.They can be hard on each other, their environment, and on us. Everyday though, when I work with the horses, I am entertained, in awe, and totally in love. I am so lucky to be able to do what I do. Come see what Im talking about. Come Ride With Us!
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 03:15:24 +0000

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