I watch as Patriots who are fed up with the strong arm of the - TopicsExpress


I watch as Patriots who are fed up with the strong arm of the federal government, fuel the flames of anger and egg each other on to call in the Militia’s for a stand down with the feds over a cattle rancher who has threatened violence if they take his cows. I watch as Patriots begin to divide the base (which is what this government wants) by claiming that people who do not rush to the aid of this rancher pledging gun battle with the feds, are NOT REAL PATRIOTS. I suggest that these trigger happy so called Patriots egging on the fight are the real liabilities to the Conservative movement. The fact is, some of us “real patriots” choose our fights wisely.. IN other words, if this was a clear case of federal over reach and this poor rancher had done everything right, then more of us might get involved. The fact of the matter is, this rancher is in the predicament he is in because of his own threats of violence and his failure to pay grazing fees on land that he has not purchased and has no documentation to prove its his other than to say his Mormon ancestors used it… My cherokee Indian ancestors used vast areas of land too, but you dont see me claiming its mine to use as I wish. I believe in fighting like our founders… you fight smart… you pick your battles wisely… and be sure when you decide to take stand, that the ground you stand on is completely defensible and solid, Constitutionally sound. IN this case… we have a citizen who is threatening violence over land that he can not prove is his and that he has NOT paid grazing fees for in years… I am willing to die on the mountain for my country, but this one is not the mountain.… We have much bigger battles that are clear cut cases than this one. Stop falling into the government trap of a divided base and excuse for martial law. Going off half-cocked is how you shoot yourself in the foot. ©2014 JAN MORGAN Read more at janmorganmedia/2014/04/pick-battles-wisely/#YGdf575btp7Hgf3S.99
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 17:12:58 +0000

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