I watch the show Parenthood on NBC and it has two characters on - TopicsExpress


I watch the show Parenthood on NBC and it has two characters on the autistic spectrum, one a man played by Ray Romano who is learning to understand his new diagnosis and another is a young teenage boy. I am so grateful for this show because it shows some of the reality of having a kid who looks normal and yet struggles with so much pain. Last nights episode where the teen Max melted down because he does not understand how to be with his peers. He says, I thought Aspergers was supposed to make you smart…then why cant I figure out why all my friends are laughing at me…Im a freak…I think they are right..I am a freak. Hits very very close to home. My Lexi struggles in the exact same way. The show gets a little saccharin sweet as the mother forces a hug on Max which would NEVER happen in real life…if I tried to hug my son at a time like that hed start screaming and flailing his arms like I had jus thrown acid on him. All I can offer as comfort is simply being there…near him…with love. How do we teach the world to be accepting of our loved ones on the spectrum? As powerless as I feel sitting next to my son when he has painful struggles I channel that frustration into wanting to educate the world…to accept him for who he is…exactly a perfect Lexi.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 17:27:32 +0000

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