I watched the Breakfast Club the other night and there was a line - TopicsExpress


I watched the Breakfast Club the other night and there was a line from Allison that stated , its inevitable; when you get older; your heart dies. I raise my hand in disagreement! As Ive gotten older Ive notice that the only thing Ive become stringent on is peoples lack of responsibility. Other than that, my heart hasnt died at all - matter of fact, that sorry ass muscle has caused me more anxiety over the last 20 years than I can explain. Its been elated, inflated. broken, shattered and i think actually stopped once or twice!!! All I can say is sometimes I lie awake at night running all the wrongs Ive done in my life over n over again wonderin how i can make them right? Amazingly enough - I have abandoned the thought of how I would correct all the wrongs that have been done to me cause I realize, I cant do anything about that. I must live with them cause i really dont have a choice and wrongin others equalizes nuthin. Payin pain and anguish forward just perpetrates pain n anguish. So here I sit. Writin my thoughts and hopin Im not insultin anyone or havin them think of me as a pretentious ass cause I mean everything I say here. Dont even know why I felt compelled to do so - i just did - so good night all - hope everyone is doin well! You r in my thoughts n prayers (though Im not a very good christian so i dont how much validity that statement carries!) but I trully hope everyone is livin their dream n maybe Ill see ya guys n a few weeks when I pass thru TN n LP City! Luv u 2 death! Take care my friends - John Denver and Bob Ross rules!!!...;)
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 04:28:47 +0000

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