I watched this a while back and it kind of set me back... mainly - TopicsExpress


I watched this a while back and it kind of set me back... mainly because it is so obvious. We all know Earth is orbiting or sun at astronomical speeds. Fewer know that our sun is traveling around the Milky Way at even faster unimaginably speeds, rising and falling in relation to the center of the spiral arm that we are traveling in in the galaxy which is also spinning astronomically fast. Too much for me to hold in my mind very well, but this model helps me visualize a more real version of our trips around the sun that just a spiral disc as if the sun is sitting still. Decades ago I had a genius friend, Frank, with Phd.s in Meterology and Astrophysics. He claimed to me he had invented a new form of mathematics that would revolutionize things like time travel, and faster than the speed of light travel. It was a dream come true to the greatest of the dreamers ala Einstein. Unfortunately, he had AIDS when it was a certain death sentence and an absolute shame. He could not get a co-sponsor to publish in scientific journals about his vortex theory and new branch of mathematics... because he was unusually gay. Unashamed and built like a body builder. (And dying). He died and his research vanished from academia. Ive heard a bit about vortex this or that over the last few decades. Im no Ph.d. kind of doctor. I think, What a waste, this friend of mine may have had answers to questions we havent imagined to think about yet, but he just died... end of story. Anyway, this brief representation of how things actually are verses the spirals we see with a motionless sun... it set me to wondering again.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 00:58:04 +0000

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