I went on my first blind date a few years ago, and it was - TopicsExpress


I went on my first blind date a few years ago, and it was the worst blind date in the history of ever. This blind date was planned by my father That mid morning, I showed up on time at the venue of the blind date, which was the blind dates office, to find my blind date (no, not visually impaired) already sitting behind his desk waiting for me. Good morning, I good morninged him. He was a mature man with greying hair, pronounced frownlines and crows feet that I found rather cute, especially when he crinkled his nose and his eyes narrowed. His eyes were behind a pair of lenses held in a russet frame. His crooked smile that showed his pearl whites made him look handsome-ish and friendly. He stood up to shake my hand and let me know how lovely I looked. He then asked me to have a seat, after which we engaged in small talk, the most gruelling thing to ever exist, which led to interesting chatter and banter, and I silently decided that I liked him. I silently judged that he was unlike the rest, that he seemed to be different in a better way. As a lull made its sudden entrance into our conversation, he excused himself and got up and started doing a few things on another desk. He then excused himself again and left the office. He came back less than a minute later, pulled a different chair and asked me to sit down and relax. I sat down, but I did not telax. His demeanour had changed a bit and my instincts were beginning to stir. He adjusted the chair I was sitting on so that it reclined. Again, he asked me to relax, softly, as he placed his hand on my cheek. I became jittery and tense. I will not hurt you, he whispered. At least I will try my best not to. Relax. Then he went ahead and violated me. He abused me. He debauched me. He defiled me. Ruthlessly. Brutally. He callously executed his gruesomely vile acts of sadism upon me, and I was completely helpless. How I got up from that chair, after he was done, and made my way home, is a tale only God can tell because I still do not know. Oh my goodness! What happened? asked my father upon seeing me. Are you okay? Have you been crying? You look terrible! I sniffed. You lied to me, I bawled. He is no different. Hes an animal. Who? What are you talking about? I sobbed. Him. I thought he wouldnt even touch me. Oh my God. What did he do to you? I sobbed harder. He did two x-rays, scraped things from my teeth and filled two cavities. It was ouchy, but the injections were the most painful, I said as I touched my swollen face. Oh, thats good then. He did a good job. I blew my nose. I hate dentists, I wept. The dentist moved to another town many months later, so I was left dentistless, and I have been so for a long time now. Im on the verge of asking for someone, anyone, to fix another blind date for me. All the sugar Ive been consuming has turned my teeth into the most hellish nightmare. A prosperous new month to you all, and if you care for your dignity, do not go on blind dates, especially with a dentist, in his/ her office. And if you have to, please brush your teeth thoroughly. It will really hurt your feelings when they mumble incoherent things after excavating decomposing food particles from your teeth that look like last nights dinner. I say this from experience.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 11:07:44 +0000

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