I went to a high school of extremes. Extreme sporting competition, - TopicsExpress


I went to a high school of extremes. Extreme sporting competition, academics (this one guy got 45 As on his report, he did 9 subjects, which you times by four school term reports and add an overall aggregate to get a even 45 As) etc etc. I was a border at hostel and thats where most of the mischief takes place. So in hostel there was a ridiculous thing called a 2.4. A 2.4 is the circumference my school which adds up to 2.4km (if you are american 2.4km is equal to I dont know how many miles because I am African and use kilometers), and everyday we had to run a 2.4 in under 15min. If you didnt make it in the 15min, you had to run it again and make sure that you made it in time. This is what I call fitness gentrification because once you fail to make it in time, you will forever be to tired to make it in time, creating a vicious cycle of eternal exhaustion. Anyway, back to my story, I was never an athlete. I never really made the 2.4km in the time I was meant to. I tried all the excuses of I have asthma, shingles, diahorrea, I will bribe you, Look, isnt that James Blunt (he was big back then), but nothing worked and my useless body was sentenced to run with the drones my school aimed to create out of us. Compulsory Rugby, Swimming, Cross Country, what ever new torture method they tried to throw at my cultured head just ended up making me really tired. I rebelled once I knew the system. I started setting up my blankets in the corner of my dormitory underneath a bed everyday. When school ended I would retreat to my little piece of heaven, hide and read. The overseers assumed I was at extra classes or at some sport, because a youth with free time was a thing to fear. I read the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the hobbit, I Am David, A Long Walk to Freedom ( I realised Madiba and I had a lot in common, both victims of an unjust system, both doing hard time and attempting to educate ourselves in our respective jails). I read a lot, I slept a lot and would rejoin society around Tea time which was 4pm. On one such day, when I had set myself up in my corner, while reading the adventures of Harry, Ron and Hermione, the 2 biggest bullies in my life came into the dormitory. I froze under the bed and held my breath. They came and sat on the exact bed where my little hotel was set up. Now these two troubled youths were boys after Hitlers own hearts. Racist, sadistic in dispensing discipline, all round rotten chaps. They are the kind of people who you start martial arts training with the intention of beating up when you are good enough. If they caught me under the bed avoiding the fitness torture, they would gladly have tortured me in a manner that did not involve moving. So here I lie, underneath my 2 most hated jailers and they start having a heart to heart with each other. (I will refer to them as Cain and Judas so that the biblical references can enlighten you with as to the devils we are dealing with) Cain: I dont feel this gym thing is working on me bra. Judas: Na dude, I can see the results on you man. You will get there. Cain: How are things with your chick? These two warmongers were having a conversation I could envision any normal human having with another human. They were being so nice to each other I actually came to the conclusion that they were humans when nobody was watching. But if they found me underneath them. If they found me, I was a dead man. So I kept quite. After 10min under the bed, I had heard to much emo stuff to come out, they would murder me if they knew I had heard what i heard. So I kept quiet. They stayed for about 1hour and I kept quiet listening to them plan their gym schedule, who to bully for munchies, one spoke about his mom who was going through a divorce (I didnt know evil had a mother). They eventually got up and left and my secret spot was not discovered. To my high school friends, sorry if I set our school in a ridiculous light, but it was a pretty ridiculous place. It was designed for 300 spartans, the rest of us were just trying to keep the 300 fitter, toys to giants. I dont regret not participating because life has never asked me to run 2.4km in under 15min. But all the books I have read have provided me with a plethora of stories to draw upon in my creative endeavors. Writing this status is an example of my writing prowess which would probably be weaker had I been running instead of hiding and reading. Which brings us to our conclusion. I am inherently a loner when it comes to deciding which way to go forward. Group dynamics result in the loss of my voice. I went to a place where they force you to do everything together to realize that groups can behave in some of the dumbest ways possible. Life still throws a jock or 2 my way, but I now understand that they are just big people with small penis issues. The jocks who thrived back then will be tired by the mental laps my mind runs around them. In closing, this story has no point, which is always the point in life. The point is to get you all to read. PS: Cain and Judas are now respectable members of society, married with kids and boeps. They adolescent teens who knew no better but have grown into fine young men. The author however, is just a Kula guy. Goodnight and Goodluck
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 23:18:55 +0000

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