I went to my late husbands kever (grave) this week as it was the - TopicsExpress


I went to my late husbands kever (grave) this week as it was the 26th yartzeit. He was a lover of God....and served God in a way that was awesome...I try to emulate him but I think it was easier for him because of his OCD.....sometimes OCD is a good thing :))) in his case a God thing! I so fail compared to him...but I wont compare...just let him inspire me...he was a poet for God....I realize when I listen to his teachings (that often made circles around peoples heads) that he was like listening to poetry, beautiful poetry..you didnt have to understand it ..you knew he was saying something deep and beautiful and divine and that had to be enough....I think I will start listening again if I could get a tape recorder! So here are some qualities that I remember and please add to it in the comments..those of you who knew him...saying good things about someone who is in the upper worlds helps them to go up higher and then they can help us down here...also our children need to hear only the good....my youngest was only eight when he left us.. ....he didnt care what others thought of his commitment to God and spiritual practice.... ....he put God first.... ....he was not wishy washy... ...he was loving but firm.... ....his spiritual path was light and joyful, till his illness kicked in anyway... ....his deep humor brought people to God... ....he was totally God conscious..... ....he took the Torah seriously, looked into it and did what it said ....he also danced and sang beautifully for God ....he walked a halachic path...which created a vessel for God ...he ate what he though God wanted him to eat...consciousness eating till... he stopped for some reason too complicated to address at this moment... ....he wanted the best for everyone ...he tried to do Gods will ...he studied the holy books day and night...mostly all night, like the kabbalists. ...he wasnt interested in material things unless it was to serve God...this is a pela to me. (a wonder) ...if we ever had any money (which we never seemed to) he would first ask me what I needed.. ...he insisted on serving our many guests (sun in virgo)....and always asked his students to help me out in the kitchen.... ....he helped a lot of people....in a big way... ...he went a long distance in a snow storm to teach even though he was told only one student showed up....one soul was a whole world to him ...he had his humble moments...called himself a student of kabbalah even though he was called by many a great Kabbalah teacher ....he got paid $500 for one hour of public speaking often at Ivy League colleges...and that was over 30 years ago! Although those speaking engagements were few and far between due to his eating disorder :( ....some thought he had the soul of Moshiach but I had a feeling I wasnt Mrs Moshiach :( he was really very extraordinary and it was an honor to be connected to him...sadly his anorexia took over and ...well...its a horrid disease....maybe he was too much for this world....the other side took over...but his light came back after he passed and we remember the good things and the good times... I gave charity in his name and hope he will pull some strings up there...in the theatre of God ..he was always high drama :))) Please add to this as his children need to hear only good...Thanks everyone!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 08:31:08 +0000

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