I went to see a speech by the leftist politician Andrés Manuel - TopicsExpress


I went to see a speech by the leftist politician Andrés Manuel López Obrador in front of L.A. City Hall today. I was impressed by the powerful rhetorical skills he used, forceful and loud enunciation to project his voice with passion, candid and inflammatory choice of words to provide harsh criticism against corruption and neoliberalism, and playful metaphors to tie the loose ends in his comprehensive message. I can see why it is so easy for members of the dissatisfied public to create a cult of personality around the character of a populist politician. Such support of any one individual can often prove dangerous and counterproductive, or at the very least, disappointing. But Im convinced that putting faith in ideals is greater than putting ones faith in men, and it is precisely because of the fact that ideals were the center of todays rally that I believe it was constructive overall. Anything that reminds people that the more equal wealth distribution is the more well-being a society has, is in my opinion constructive. Anything that educates people about the consequences of neoliberalism, and the importance of national ownership of major and important resources, is constructive. Anything that reminds people that values and ethics are what hold society together and keep it from falling into decadence, is constructive. So overall Im happy that todays event occurred, and hope that it leads to the rise of a stronger civil society that can impose its interests in the agenda of any national government.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:18:32 +0000

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