I went to shut my chickens into their coop a little while ago, - TopicsExpress


I went to shut my chickens into their coop a little while ago, like I always do, and I was so surprised to see the Banty roosting atop a pine shavings bale I have propped up vertically by the side of the coop door, to provide warmth and insulation inside the coop. It is still winter, albeit February 1, and the temperature was about 30 degrees F at the time I found her. It had been fully dark for quite some time. Granted, she is usually the last chicken to go in the coop at night and likes to play around outside at dusk, going in the coop and then coming out, repeatedly until she decides to go in for good, which is always before full dark sets in. But tonight she was out in the dark. It worries me. I picked her up and put her inside the coop. Usually she squeals loudly if I touch her, but she didnt protest much. I set her down in the pine shavings. I thought she might fly up to a perch, but she stayed atop the shavings on the floor. Do you think this could indicate some sort of problem? The rooster has never bothered her, and they have been together for 2 1/2 years. He protects her and only mates with the full-sized hens. Im wondering whether he could have gotten mixed up and spurred her. I saw no blood nor sign of injury. This Banty is at the bottom of the pecking order. The big girls peck her, but not too bad. She usually holds her own with them. I was wondering whether since it is February she might be in egg-laying mode and thus acting a bit strangely? She laid one egg early this week, the first egg since last summer. She usually starts laying in February and then stops on the first day of summer or so and doesnt start up again until February. Or could she be broody, seeking out her own space apart from the other chickens? Im so glad she was near the door and I saw her. Had she been somewhere else in the run I might not have known she was still outside and left her there the whole cold night. It is to get down to the mid to lower 20s F here tonight. I am hoping the reason she didnt fly up to a perching roost when I put her in the coop was because she was already settled for the night and thus super docile and ready for bed. But I do worry. I guess I will inspect her closely in the morning. I sure hope she didnt get injured somehow? Any thoughts? She is a silver-laced Sebright Bantam, 2 years and 4 months old, the only Banty in my flock. I have one rooster who is half Buff Orpington and half Aracauna, & 2 half white leghorn hens. They are the same age as the Banty. The matriarch is a Barred Rock, who will be 4 on St Patricks Day.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 03:30:46 +0000

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