I went to the Sarah Palin-Pat Roberts Dog and Pony Show Pancake - TopicsExpress


I went to the Sarah Palin-Pat Roberts Dog and Pony Show Pancake Breakfast today. The problem is the party establishment. If we do the Lego Movie Everything is Awesome song every time we are left with bad choices, then we will be forced every election into choosing the lesser of two evils. Pat Roberts is a Conservative when hes with Sarah Palin and Rand Paul and a flexible moderate (per Bob Big Government taxer Dole) when hes around Bob Dole, Jeb Bush, and John McEmbarrassmentCain. I do not relish being the bad cop alone, but until Kansas sovereign citizens stand up like men and women and DEMAND more from their politicians and their party, then we are going down the toilet. I guarantee you that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson get something for their support, but we are supposed to give it up for free? To hell with that. I will hold my nose and vote for Roberts despite it being like getting a constipated porcupine stuck in my throat, but I dont delude myself that he is or will work for We the People of Kansas. I see it as a vote for Mussolini or Satan. Logically, and tragically, I must vote for Mussolini? However, we must get every Christian in Kansas to start doing due diligence and seeing what is actually done and not buying the election year dog and pony show. Sadly, I am sorely disappointed in Sarah Palin and I told her so this morning when I asked why she wasnt supporting Dr. Milton Wolf. She replied (with Pat Roberts behind her) that she liked Pat Roberts conservative voting record...I wonder what they paid or promised her. No man or woman is perfect, but I respect the ones with servant hearts. You dont have a servants heart if you try to destroy a fellow Kansas Republican for daring to run against the machine. You dont have a servants heart if you threaten and attack and primary fellow Kansas legislators who supported Wolf like Josh Powell. If Pat Roberts wanted to change and develops a servants heart, fine. I fail to see that when in the same 2-3 day period hes a cameo conservative and then a flexible moderate. How stupid does the Republican establishment think we are??? They see us as willing lap dogs. I am not having that anymore. We need Republicans who are Constitutionally Conservative not conservatives who only want to limit government to what their big donors dont want.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 16:26:49 +0000

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