I will appreciat if you will read it, my wife side that it is to - TopicsExpress


I will appreciat if you will read it, my wife side that it is to long...and she wish i was talk to her as much as I am writing....the future of the middle east Many of my good friends and some other people that are reading news or watching TV probably thinking that Israel did horrible war crimes, according to the news the number of dead Palestinian civilians is almost 80% of the dead in Gaza, this is a very big unintentionally lie, they just quoted the UN that just quote the hamas (as most of the UN workers in Gaza are Gaza Palestinian), you know that hamas lie about almost everything, they lie about the cease fire 6 times, hamas is the one that kill people just for talking to Israelis, hamas that kills any Muslim that living against the Muslim law...and more and more, why this time we need to trust them, if you will check the distribution of the the dead in Gaza, in some very strange way most of the innocent civilians about 40% are in range between 17 -30 years old, when the number of people that lives in Gaza in the same age is only 10% from general population, how came so many 17 - 30 years old were in the Battle area when they are only 10% of Gaza population ? if you will check the number of dead between to age of 17 - 39 years old you will find out that about 60% of the dead list is in this rang of this age the distribution from general population of the age of 17 - 39 years old is about 25 -30%, those civilians were there to fight agents the IDF. (according to the CIA - https://cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/gz.htm), I am not sure if you aware but Gaza Strip is the one of the most condense populated area (360 sq Km, slightly more than twice the size of Washington, DC) with almost 1.8 million people living in a very small area. In the very narrow strip there is 4 major citys and the majority of Gaza is an opened space (sand dunes and orchards), About 1768 people lost there liefs in Gaza, very high number, according to the CNN 300 of the dead are kids, it is very high number, it is breaking our heart to know that a kid die, in Gaza from general population 43.2% are kids (male 402,848/female 381,155) under the age of 14 and about 52% of Gaza are under the age of 17, about 300 kids under the age of 17 die in this war, some people trying to accuse Israel for deliberately killed Civilians, I think that this numbers prove otherwise, actually only 0.017% of the kids (out of 1.8 million people) in Gaza lost there lifes, according to our Israeli standard it is still a very high number, do you know that every year more then 20,000!! young women are being killed because of Family honor in Muslim countries, would you like to know how many honour based violence crimes just in the UK last year... 2823 according to UK police, do you know that Violence in the Central African Republic has left tens of thousands of people dead and more than a million people homeless, did any one do something to stop it, any one know how many die in Syria....150,344 that we know of, ask your self how many of you did any thing about that...you are HYPOCRITES!! (I am not even begin with Iraq, were about 1,000,000 lost there life (about 150,000 civilians died directly because of British or Americans troops)) The IDF carry 4762 aerial attacks in Gaza ,more then 30,000 artillery shells (155 mm), few thousand tank shells (105 mm), lets say that 1768 of the dead are all civilians, no one can say that we killed any one in intentionally, with this amount of ammunition if you are target civilians you will kill many more, but the truth is that out of the 1768 dead, about 1068 are terrorist, the rest where human shield or unfortunately were killed not deliberately or Killed by hamas, still 700 dead civilians is a very high number for us and I wish we could avoid it, unfortunately it wasnt high enough number for hamas, they hope to see about 1500 dead kids and about 3000 dead civilians, but still the number 1768 dead was enough to serve its purpose, the leader of hamas side that if 3.5 million dead civilians defeat the USA in Vietnam they can do the same, with one big question...if the Palestinian in Gaza are 1.8 millions how can 3.5 million die? he doesnt speak about Palestinian he speak about the Muslims, for him this is the war against the infidels or in other words any one that let say use facebook...or just not Radical Muslim. The hamas launched 3356 rockets and missile, in two incident the iron dome couldnt deal with that (because of the short rang), 15 Israelis lost there liefs (soldiers), now we all know that the hamas target our citys according to hamas declaration they can target any city in Israel, I did see it myself few times...just do the mathematics of potential damage, 7.5 people die in every rocket attack that goes trough the Iron dome in to any city, 3356 multiply 7.5 died is 25,170 dead Israelis with out the Iron Dome!! in the same time when the hamas are shooting rockets in to Israel, the state of Israel sent 1491 huge semitrailers of supply, did any one ever did it to is enemy? (by the way 119 rockets failed and exploded in Gaza strip killing few...dont worry they accuse Israel). just for you to understand when Israel shoot 39,762(/700 dead civilians) the chance to be killed is 0.017%, when the hamas shoots its very high chance to lose your life as they are targeting civilians. (**with out the iron dome) About 860 journalist went in to Gaza during the last month, (about 5 times more journalist then Syria) and couldnt do there Job as they should, (except of one brave journalist) non of them sow rockets being launched from schools, UN facilitys, hospitals and residential neighborhood, actually they did see, they just couldnt report out of fear, now days that many of them coming out of Gaza back in to Israel they are telling the real store (with video image). Because of that the west lost this time, big time! the radical Muslim groups all around the world just watching from the side (including hamas) and thinking, WOW the best way for us to take over the world is to use Human shields, even if the western world will shoot on Human shields they can not deal with so many dead civilians, the terrorist know that Americans know more then that but the Europeans after world war 2 can not deal with that! they can not see dead civilians, second of all in 2050 or even before, Europe will be more 50% Muslims (some countries), right now they are the ones that demonstrate against Israel and those Muslims Europeans are really but really loud and very violence...so the Europeans as usual will wake up to nightmare when it will be to late for them and EU will look like Gaza, (I am not sure if you are aware, in Islam religion any place where a Muslim settle or take over, it consider as Hakdash a sacred property of Islam, they cant leave or sell), we have to do something about that, it is crazy, we can not lose the world to the radical Muslim, we have to understand that in the past 40 years every war in world took palce in side the citys, we can do our best not to harm civilians, but it is never 100%, ask your self a simple question, if some one Hijacker plane with 400 innocent people, this group of terrorist flying in to any city in the world, what do you do, if you shoot the plane down you are doing war crime killing innocent civilians if you wont shoot it down you are doing a crime against your own people, we all have to change our perspective, if some one shoots from residential area knowing that some will shoot back, he is the war criminal and not the one that just trying to defend him self, even so the IDF give them warning, phone calls, sent brochures...you can laugh but we did it..to warn those people before the attack, at the beginning the hamas force them to stay, they need dead civilians, knowing that the western world will stop Israel, for the first time from the birth of Israel the UN Security Assembly didnt past any resolution against Israel in war time, this time some Arab countries have stop any one from past any thing against Israel, they know what is the danger from the radical Muslim, they can see from there window and all around them! I am writing those words and my heart goes out to the Iraq, right now in Iraq there is a genocide against the Christians and Yazidis in Iraq, the Iraqs largest Christian town has been overrun by the ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) and more citys doing horrible acts of violence, rape and then forcing to convert to Islam or die! and they already killed thousand of people. I am sorry, we in Israel refuse end like those minorities in Iraq, Syria or Lebanon, the hamas having to same ideology like the ISIS, we will stop them unfortunately in the next round of violence in Gaza many more civilians will die, it is only question of time, with out the supoort from the west the hamas would never do any thing, they know that Israel can stop them, but they also know that the west will pot so much pressure on Israel were we will never come to that and the hamas will win, you lost... I went to visit a some soldiers in the Hospital yesterday, I met with a soldier from the special forces, he survive..some how. He told me a crazy story, when they came in to one of the neighborhood out side Gaza, suddenly they so from short distance few terrorist dress as IDF soldier they came for no were (apparently they came form a tunnel), and those terrorist begin to shoot on them every thing, bullets, missile and more...they push them back killing 15 of them but about 10 terrorist run away about 200 meters in to a building, they so them, apparently the terrorist went in to a tunnel under the building, they couldnt go after them but 2 minute later as they are trying to understand what just happened as it was very quickly the building was exploded, the terrorist thought that our soldiers will go after them so they toke down the building with maybe there own people. we are dealing with a very sophisticated enemy, noting is on is way....with all moral questions that we are struggle with we have to remember for the enemy doesnt fight for Land, they are fighting to force Islam over the world, Israel prove before that we can compromise and we give land back, this time with Gaza every compromise is just interpreted over by the terrorise as a sign of weakness and take up the motivation to continue with Jihad, this time it was ended up with 1768 dead people, the wast stop Israel from putting end to the problem ones and for all, liberate Gaza from the hands of hamas next time it will be much higher price for every side to pay, the hamas have only one goal, having Islamic Caliph in the world, I wish we could fine peace and we will all live as one...but we are refuse to end like the minorities in middle east. Guy Leibovitz Kibutz Harel
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 18:07:02 +0000

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