I will elaborate on my cryptic post from Switzerland night before - TopicsExpress


I will elaborate on my cryptic post from Switzerland night before last. It is a grand adventure that we are on. It is wonderful and exciting. However every once in a while you just have a craving for something familiar - anything. I find myself starting conversations with people who look like serial killers merely because they speak English with a southern accent. I pulled into a gas station Sunday and got excited to the point of apoplexy when a man in a uniform pumped the fuel, which I cant remember happening in three decades. We walk into a supermarket after depositing a half Euro coin in a device which holds the shopping cart captive. It lets go and the coin remains in view. I notice that very few people are buying more than three or four items. The reason is because they charge you for every $%#&! bag to carry your groceries in. I want to eat a piece of brown bread or a cookie that doesnt taste as if a goat sat on it. I want to drink a Caffeine Free Diet Coke that doesnt taste mostly like Clorox. I want to walk out the door without worrying that some scumbag is going to pick my pocket. I want to use a bathroom that doesnt look like it was designed by Dr. Josef Mengele (Hitlers Angel of Death). Or I want to use a bathroom that has sufficient similarity to what I have always known for sixty-six years that I dont have to call the front desk for instructions as to how to turn the hot water on. Andrea suggested that they provide an owners manual for the damned things. I want to watch The Ballad of Cable Hogue on the TV without Slim Pickens sounding like Richard Simmons speaking Italian. I want to see a Cadillac. On the other Hand I want to walk around the most beautiful city in the world. (No I havent been everywhere but Paris is the trump card in this area.) I want to sit in a giant bed in Venice, Italy and watch a thunderstorm on the Grand Canal from the fourth floor. Im doing that now. I want to see a mountain thats taller than Red Henry standing on Dale Criders shoulders - well almost. I want to see a mountain in May thats covered with snow. Been there; almost fell off of that. I want to see strangers in a strange land go out of their way to help two struggling Pilgrims who are obviously American - one ugly and the other impossibly beautiful. Had that in every country so far. The mythology indicates Europeans hate Americans. So far we have not seen that at all. I would give a hundred Euros for a large jar of real Peter Pan crunchy peanut butter, some real brown bread from Pepperidge Farm, some bananas, and real Coca Cola. After all I paid 267 Euros for a lunch of barely edible fish at the Eiffel Tower.
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 00:23:03 +0000

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