I will forever remember 2014. Our family, and therefore my life, - TopicsExpress


I will forever remember 2014. Our family, and therefore my life, went through some unbelievable changes that could never have been imagined one year ago today. From those changes I have also grown as a husband, father and a man. The list of the past years lessons is long but I thought I’d share a few highlights . . . I continue to find that as much as I love my wife today that it was more than yesterday and only a fraction of what it will be tomorrow. I learned that my love for my son Max doesn’t become diminished with the addition of two more but instead grows and flourishes to heights unimaginable. I discovered the depth of love from family and friends with the birth of Gus and Ben. I learned that it is okay to ask for help and that the best way to show my appreciation is to pay it forward. I experienced the power of a infant’s new smile and its power to erase the weariness of an early morning. There are many that are not as fortunate as I am. I was reminded often to stop and be grateful to the blessing given to me every day and work not to take them for granted. I have found that every generation from the innocent eyes of a newborn to the knowing eyes of the elderly has something to offer and that it’s probably best to put aside one’s ego, pull up a desk, pay attention and learn. Faith matters. I have been reminded that friends from my past matter today even if the gap of time is now measured in decades. When they hurt my heart does too. I have witnessed happy endings. A love grown from mutual respect, friendship and broken-ness, built on a foundation of faith, is truly beautiful. And finally I have come to firmly believe that the storms of one year’s nights always yield beautiful mornings. Here’s to the promise of 2015 . . .
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 17:13:49 +0000

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