I will have to say that my stay up here this time has been much - TopicsExpress


I will have to say that my stay up here this time has been much better than last. Of course I almost died last time, but Im really talking about the way I have been treated. The nurses and techs this time are the sweetest things. They have stayed to talk and get aquatinted, shared stories, and treated me like a little princess. They all think my southern accent is cute and I think that has a lot to do with it. I especially like a nurse named Christina. She comes in several times a night just to peek in and ask if I need anything. Shes expecting a baby and I hate to ask her for anything, but she insist upon running to get things for me. If I even mention something I might want, it appears. This morning I mentioned that I think my head is bothering me because my nose has dried out due to the dry air in the hospital. She ordered me some saline solution for my nose. Shes on top of things. Shes not the only one that is good, but she is the best. Last time I didnt have that happen. I had some fairly nice nurses, but nothing like this time. I have been on the same floor, but a different side do the ward. None of the same nurses as last time have taken care of me and only one or two of the same techs. My favorite tech is Chris. Chris is a guy that is probably in his late twenties. He is just like Christina. He talks with me and checks on me even when I dont ask for anyone to come in the room to help me. I guess The Lord knew I needed a better experience this time. I dont want to leave out the nutrition teams. They are a top notch bunch. So nice and willing to work with my IC issues and very explanatory with the instructions on how to keep my levels where they should be. I drank almost three liters of liquids, and it wasnt as much of a struggle as it was at the beginning. As a matter of fact I didnt even think about it that much, I just drank. Thats big for me because before all this happened with my health, I only drank with meals or at school when I was teaching. Ive begun to learn the new lifestyle I am going to have to live.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 11:45:52 +0000

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