I will keep on posting these 21 demands till these are met. I - TopicsExpress


I will keep on posting these 21 demands till these are met. I request all friends and others to suggest as to what should be the next step to get these demands implemented. I am ready to go to any extent as I believe, it is NOW or NEVER: While elimination of terrorism is the job of the security forces, eradication of extremism has to be done by the nation at large. Unless the following steps are taken on an emergency basis, we would soon forget the tragedy of Peshawar and consequently all Pakistanis should be ready to face Peshawar like incidents regularly: 1. The Interior Minister, the ISI Chief, the IB Chief and other relevant agencies heads must resign forthwith so that the next incumbents insure that such tragedies are not repeated in future. 2. Fence/mine every inch of the Pak-Afghan border. The trade routes must be religiously guarded to ensure that even a bird cannot cross without valid documents: If, centuries back, China could build the China wall to defend itself against foreign aggression and if the Allies could build the Berlin wall, we can do it as well. The terrain is nowhere harsher than Siachin. Those who are still talking about Durand Line as an artificial boundary must be taken to task or else the creation of Pakistan must be opened to debate. 3. The government must take over all the Madrassas with immediate effect and convert them in to government schools: There are thousands of Madrassas, operating throughout Pakistan, that are graduating hundreds of thousands students, on a yearly basis, with only basic knowledge of religion. Where are all these young people going to end up? If we can generate billions for executing politically motivated projects like Metro buses, we certainly can come up with funds to provide all those facilities (boarding, lodging) that these Madrassas are providing. 4. Legislate to ban use of loudspeakers in the mosques with immediate effect: The misuse of loudspeaker in the mosques is akin to allowing indoctrination of the masses. This misuse has become an abuse especially in the rural areas where extreme illiteracy coupled with the endemic poverty have turned the rural folks, as a matter of fact, slaves to the whimsical interpretations of religion of the ill-educated clerics 5. Legislate to ban religious parties: It is illogical to even dream of national and religious harmony in Pakistan unless state and religion are entirely separated. Bigots like Zia and his likes will keep on providing state patronage to extremists and fanatics whenever needed. 6. Legislate to ban Media Houses that invite people who propagate extreme ideologies 7. All the pending cases in Nab must be decided forthwith. The present practice of plea bargaining should be done with and those who got acquitted under the plea bargaining should be retried and given exemplary punishment as they have admitted their crime. 8. Except for the Military Intelligence, all other intelligence agencies must be answerable to the civilian dispensation. 9. The Political leadership must be the sole architect of our foreign policy 10. De-politicize the civilian bureaucracy 11. Set up a credible, independent and robust accountability system 12. Overhaul and give complete autonomy to the country’s tax apparatus 13. Bring about drastic Economic and Land Reforms 14. Strengthen parliament through the parliamentary committees’ empowerment to effectively play the role of a check on the executive 15. Restructure Civil services and build capacity of the government servants 16. Redefine the civil military relationship, regulate the intelligence agencies 17. Introduce Electoral reforms 18. Drastically Reform the justice system to ensure early provision of justice 19. Introduce a legal framework to ensure good governance 20. Ensure Genuine Democracy within the Political Parties 21. Pakistan is still paying for the Afghan war, since 1977/78......We endorse the decision of the KPK Cabinet and appeal to the government of Pakistan to send back All Afghan Refugees and other illegal foreigners to their countries immediately.....It is now or never! The above steps are suggestions and absolutely open to additions/deletions. Once we agree upon the list, the next step would be to come up with a mechanism as how to get these implemented.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:00 +0000

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