I will like to commend the Security team for arresting a suspect - TopicsExpress


I will like to commend the Security team for arresting a suspect of the Nyanya bomb blast (Sadiq Ogwuche). I will also like to urge all Nigerians to continue to assist our security agencies with useful information. Nigerians should come together and fight these external imperialist forces before us, and then we can come back and tackle our incompetent president. Moreover the Borno state Governor said that he knows where the ‘missing girls’ are; this makes our case simple – ‘ga fili, ga doki’. He should just end the game and bring them out because if he is thinking that they will use this orchestrated scam to put pressure on the Federal Government to release Boko haram members held in prison/halt the emergency rule, then he should have a rethink because nothing like that will happen. This is the first time that this ‘political’ Boko Haram is in a hurry to negotiate/release ‘hostages’. Both PDP and APC have benefited from this ‘political’ Boko Haram at one point or another. Let this elite war continue, I am enjoying it. CNN should stop sending their reporters to come and trial our leaders in an open court of public opinion. They should go and trial Nicholas Sarkozy for the War Crimes he committed in Libya and Ivory Coast. He killed innocent women and children with cluster bombs in Libya; he sponsored rebel groups in Ivory Coast that used child soldiers; he also used the French army in a coup he masterminded that ousted President Laurent Gbagbo of Ivory Coast, replacing him with his surrogate – Alhassane Ouattara. They should also go and trial George Bush and Tony Blair for the war crimes they committed in Iraq. #Nonsense!!!
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 07:20:08 +0000

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