I will likely have more to say soon, but I need to process what I - TopicsExpress


I will likely have more to say soon, but I need to process what I just went through at tonights BOE meeting for a bit so I dont say something I will regret. For now, let my utterly dismayed self leave you with the statement I read to the other Board members in support of Sean Hengst for the empty BOE seat after this evenings debacle and 4-4 split between Sean Hengst and Scott Owens in the hopes that some semblance of reason could be uncovered in even one of the other 4, sadly an exercise in complete futility. I never would have guessed that the first standing ovation Id ever receive would feel so terrible...that I had to even read the statement below causes my heart to break for everyone in Gloucester Township, but especially the children and school employees...I did all I could think to do to make things better but failed you all, and Im so sorry. STATEMENT (Please excuse any grammatical issues as I composed this using 2 fingers during the course of the meeting): I was warned that anything I say will likely fall on deaf ears, but I believe in the inherent goodness of other people and although it causes me much pain, I do not want to lose that part of my personality. Please listen to this message in the spirit in which it was written, while I am truly dismayed and even broken-hearted over what has occurred thus far tonight regarding the choice of a new member, I am pleading with you in a spirit of cooperation, respect and, hopefully, friendship. As I would hope both Linda and Ellen could assure you since I ran against them, I am very open to new beginnings and looking forward, not back. I want to get along and work with all of you. This even goes to you, Ray. The past is the past, lets leave it there. As both a new Board member and a parent of children attending our schools, I plead with you to reconsider what youve done here and do what is right and just as we go forward with choosing a candidate to fill the vacant seat. I truly did ask my questions with an open mind and willingness to change it, but I feel obligated to tell you that I believe no other candidate comes close to Sean Hengst in qualifications, demeanor, experience or ability to do this job well. Please be honest, and if Im missing something let me know, but can any other candidate really compare to him? He is nearly a life-long resident of our Township and is a product of our schools. Hes been an Elementary School teacher for 18 years, someone with a Masters in Administration but who chooses to remain in the classroom to stay with the children (my daughters soccer coach has a son with some Special Needs who has Sean as his teacher and it is the best experience hes ever had in school, really). He is also an expert on Common Core and PARCC, as it has fallen to him to initiate programs and teach his fellow teachers in Haddon Township how best to implement them. He even has budgetary and personnel experience. He has 2 children currently attending school in our district, one with Special Needs, plus he has an adopted child who will be attending in a couple years. Further, he is the only candidate who has actually campaigned and run for the position before, showing actual motivation and passion, and has attended countless meetings, including after he lost the election and then was not chosen in December, showing a clear continued interest. He is also pursuing the position as a parent, not a politician. You may have assumed otherwise, but he is not political and just wants to make the schools the best they can be, he has no other agenda. He is truly a good man and I would give my seat up for him without question if possible as I believe he would do a far better job for the children, including my own, than I can ever do. If you disagree with me, that is your prerogative and I respect your right to make your own judgment. However, our focus right now should be to move this Board and District forward, and I wanted you to know that I believe Sean can help us do that best. It kills me to say that after receiving the resumes of the candidates, without reading them, I researched each person first and told my wife that I suspected 4 members of our Board would select Mr. Gallo and Mr. Owens to go forward to second interviews, all just by discovering their Township and political connections. I am not naturally a cynical person, and that may make me naive, but sadly, I have become more cynical every single day since being sworn to the Board, and solely because of the actions of 4 members. Mr. Owens might be a very nice man, but why wont you tell us what you believe he would bring to the Board that makes him a better choice than Mr. Hengst, because it sure seems like your friendships and political connections with him are the only reasons. After what happened with Ed Pearce, and considering his history as a member of the GT Planning Board and connections to some of you through the GT Democratic Committee, both characteristics shared by Mr. Owens, he is not right for this position at this time. Why wouldnt you wish to avoid the image of impropriety?! Do you really want the constant controversy and doubts on your motives to continue? Did you not hear the pleadings of the public, including the president of the PTO?! Wouldnt a teacher be a great addition and asset to this Board? And what about another member with children in the schools currently, and not because the job cant be done well by those without, but because there are only 2 of 8 current members with children in the schools and only one of whom whose children will still be in the schools in a couple years? Let Mr.Owens run in November and show his passion and motivation as Mr. Hengst has. By then he might be seeking a different position anyway as, to quote him from tonight, of course, he is doing whats best for himself and that includes further political aspirations. I assure you Mr. Hengst has no goals or aspirations in public office beyond the BOE, and I believe that is a good thing. He is here not to use this as a stepping stone for himself but solely to give back and do what he can to better the District and schools as a Dad who believes he has something to offer. The public is clearly fired up about this, and much of what we do, and you could go a long way in putting out that fire by following your conscience and not what seems, whether true or not, to me and many on the outside to be marching orders from the machine or elsewhere. Please know that I really do respect you and, even in my short time on the BOE, I see how thankless and difficult a position it can be. As a parent, I am grateful for your service. Like I often say to my children when they wake up on the wrong side of the bed and argue or say something they should not have, I ask them if they would like to start fresh and move forward. I am begging you all, as a parent, resident and Board member to do the same. No objective person could possibly argue that Mr. Hengst is not the best candidate for the open seat. So, please consider what Ive said. Please. And if there is one thing I really want you to take from this, it is that we are supposed to choose someone who will represent the public, not ourselves or our own interests...and can you please remember what have you heard time and again from the public regarding their wishes for a new Board member? How great would it be if we could shock the public and not have this go to the County Superintendent? I am certain the public would like nothing more than to start fresh with this Board and so would I. Thank you.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 04:37:32 +0000

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