I will never forget a emergency call I responded to when I was a - TopicsExpress


I will never forget a emergency call I responded to when I was a young Officer (Yes, I was once). Sometimes I still recall it and it seems like yesterday even though 34 years have passed. The caller had requested an ambulance and reported that someone had been accidently shot. When I arrived on the scene, I found a mother in hysterics holding a young child in her arms. I could immediately tell from the massive wound to the head that that there was nothing we could do. The EMTs arrived and after prying the child away from the sobbing mother, they quickly determined that injury was fatal and that the child was dead. We determined that the 6 year old and his older brother had removed a loaded handgun from their Fathers dresser and had been playing with it. Their Father had many times told the children that they were forbidden to ever open the dresser or touch the handgun. The older brother told us tearfullly that We were just playing --- we didnt think it was loaded. We thought we took all the bullets out of it. Because they failed to obey their Fathers warning, a tragedy occurred that took one life and wrecked all those around. Sin is much like this in that our Father in heaven has given us an instruction book (the Bible) that warns us about sin and its consequences. When we play with sin, we need to understand that it will have devastating effects on us and those around us (Just like the kids playing with the gun). God wants us to lead full and happy lives forsaking those things that are harmful to us. The rules that God has in place are there to protect us from harm, not to keep us from having fun. We need to respect and obey these rules because sin (like the gun) can have lasting consequences. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. Isaiah 55:7
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 02:57:43 +0000

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