I will not label myself under an ist and will not let people box - TopicsExpress


I will not label myself under an ist and will not let people box me into an ism. I am everything that the universe is. I am part of all living creatures, plants and rocks; they are all part of me. I am part of our planet and a part of our sun, part of our solar system, our galaxy and our universe, just as it is all part of me. The universe has shown me that love, emotions and positive vibes can change the way we exist. A good friend recently asked me what I thought was a really hard question. They asked me to sum up all that I believe in, into a few words. I asked them to let me think about it for a minute as I was overwhelmed by suddenly having to condense everything that I have learnt, studied and experienced into those words. The answer came way quicker than I thought, and it has been bugging me for the last few days. Anyway, my answer was ‘love heals all’. No matter what angle I look at it from, I am unable to find any flaws in the answer. For those of you who are unsure what love is, I will give you some examples: Love does not just come from the heart, love is a vibration, and it can be heard, felt and sensed. That means love can be a simple touch, some simple words, a simple action or a simple smile. Love is essential for building bridges not only between each other, but also with nature. Trees breathe out oxygen, which is what helps us survive on this planet, without trees we would not exist in the way we do today. Show some love to the trees as they are one of the main reasons why your actually here. Animals and insects have a vital role in our survival, once again without them we would not exist. Show the animals some love, we are all essential in the ecosystem. Without the sun, moon and water we would again find ourselves unable to exist. The sun helps water to evaporate and create rain; we all know what happens when it does not rain. We are more than 80% water, and as the moon assists the sun with the changing of the seasons, it also creates an ebb and flow of the water in the seas and oceans; this also takes place inside us, a constant cycle of renewal. There are many more positive attributes but just keeping it simple, so show some love to the sun, moon and water, without them there is no you. Finally show some love to the solar system, galaxy and universe. Without them and the fundamental cycles that formed our universe we would not exist, again pretty simple. I am not the only one who shares my existence with everything, we all do, and therefore I have consciously decided to share my love with you all. My past may be a little dark but my future is not. Feel free to mock my words or pull me up where you think I have gone wrong, the only thing I really care about now is subduing hate and sharing love whilst I have the chance, mans tired of all the bullshit! Peace
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 06:34:42 +0000

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