I will post this in both places. Here and my page. Every day I - TopicsExpress


I will post this in both places. Here and my page. Every day I am humbled. Yesterday was very tough for me. I had a nurse that was scolding Whitney about not walking 5 days a week. When in reality, she can only walk when PT shows up to walk her. They showed up twice last week. They have shown up twice this week. So I was trying to explain to her that it was not Whits fault. She thought she was a know it all and wouldnt listen. Then we realize that somehow Whits vent rate was changed from 25 to 15. No notes in the system as to who changed it or why. The nurse wants to argue that the doctor MUST have ordered it. Yet there are no notes in the system. The nurse also removed Whits CO2 detector. She refused to put it back. About that time the Doctor was coming in the door. I said For once I am happy to see you! He didnt order her rate to be changed. He goes back through the vent and realizes it was done by mistake after a breathing trial. He also said Whits CO2 detector was to be hooked back up! I just glare at the nurse! She is suddenly silent. The awesome thing is that Whit was on a rate of 15 for a long time and tolerated it very well! Her CO2 levels with labs were better than the day before! AMAZING! Even the doctor said he was amazed! That that means her lungs are stronger and getting better! So then there is a lady here who was with her husband. She was here almost as long as we have been. People here become like family. She was my pal. Her daughter Paula and I got along great! She never had many visitors. They lived pretty far away like we do. Yesterday morning started like any other. Routine tests etc. He hadnt been waking up too much. They took him for a CT Scan and realized he had a stroke. My heart broke for her! He passed away yesterday evening. I have said many prayers for her family. My heart breaks. I hugged her neck and told her what a great wife she was. Then it got me to thinking. We live far away too. We are beyond blessed with those of you who check on us often. You write comments, texts and emails. You call often to see how we are. You make the drive to come and see us. I am sure that family didnt have a page full of support like we do. It showed us the blessing in our true friends. All of you who do so much for us. You find out who your friends are in situations like this. Who really cares and who doesnt . I was hurt by the ones I thought would be there and werent . I dont even think about that much anymore. A few walked out but THOUSANDS walked in! It is in these moments that the ones who think we matter have proven it. They are writing comments on this page and checking on us often. They are holding fundraisers for us and making sure we have all that we need. They answer the phone when we call. They answer texts even when it may take me days to get to theirs. We are beyond blessed in every way. We give thanks for the small things. We praise God in ALL things. So thank you to all of you who choose to be on this journey with us. Lord knows we couldnt of done it without all of you. Thank you for all the prayers you keep lifted for us. I dont post about all that happens here. Most of the time it is just a recap of events. It is much harder than words can ever convey. So, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being our true friends! Stay humble. Have a blessed and Merry Christmas and God bless!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 16:43:52 +0000

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